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Root Wanting to use channel 14 need help with a command


Android Enthusiast
Well I'm sick of Bluetooth coexistence issues so I switched my channel on my router to 14 but ICS defaults to 1-11 I don't have a computer atm and Terminal emulator couldn't do it... I tried to use SQlite editor but I don't know where to put this... anyone could give me a step by step or even upload this .db with the changes? and I'll replace and reboot..

adb shell

sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db "INSERT INTO secure (name, value) VALUES ('wifi_country_code', 'JP');"


Thanks need this asap cause I cannot connect to my router atm
Edit: changing that just boot looped me I dont know why..

Edit: just changed it to channel 13 and its working from a fresh backup.. this still would be cool to see working
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