Hello everyone, I am a first time Android user. I have read a great deal of the threads on this forum and they have answered many of my questions about this phone but there are still a few that I cannot find the answers for ... I guess my google-fu is weak. I would greatly appreciate any help that could be given.
1) Can I add ringtones to the Micro SD card on the Triumph without rooting the phone and if so how.
2) When I have the setting set to allow notifications I hear the chosen tone but I also still hear the system tone that is audible when the notifications are set to not play. Is there a way to stop this? It's not a deal breaker but kind of annoying.
3) Most of the backup programs I have seen lead me to believe that I need to have the device rooted in order to get the most from the app. Is this true or since I don
1) Can I add ringtones to the Micro SD card on the Triumph without rooting the phone and if so how.
2) When I have the setting set to allow notifications I hear the chosen tone but I also still hear the system tone that is audible when the notifications are set to not play. Is there a way to stop this? It's not a deal breaker but kind of annoying.
3) Most of the backup programs I have seen lead me to believe that I need to have the device rooted in order to get the most from the app. Is this true or since I don