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Help Way to sync phone contacts and FB friends?


Aug 31, 2010
Anyone figured out a way to sync their phone contacts with their FB friends to get photo profiles?

I have the FB app installed but there doesn't seem to be a friends sync feature like the iPhone app has. Is there a way to connect them or will I just have to manually assign photos to all my contacts?

Anyone figured out a way to sync their phone contacts with their FB friends to get photo profiles?

What I did was go to the top of the contacts menu make sure you haven't selected any contact, hit menu and 'get friends' you will probably have to add your facebook account in there, but then you can pick and choose which of your fb friends you want to sync with contacts. If the names are exactly the same in your contact list as they are on fb it should automatically sync. If not you will have to manually link them.

Sorry if thats a terrible explanation hah let me know if you have any questions.
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I was having problems even getting my Facebook account to sync at all. When trying to add my FB account, I kept getting an error saying "Login failed. Try again later." Try again later?!?! wtf? haha.

Anyway, turns out that since I had my FB privacy settings on super-paranoid, so it wasn't able to sync. If you go to your FB privacy settings (Privacy settings -> Applications and Websites -> Edit your settings) and TURN ON your Application Platforms, that should do it.

Worked for me. Just thought I'd post here in case any one else was having the same problem :)
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What I did was go to the top of the contacts menu make sure you haven't selected any contact, hit menu and 'get friends' you will probably have to add your facebook account in there, but then you can pick and choose which of your fb friends you want to sync with contacts. If the names are exactly the same in your contact list as they are on fb it should automatically sync. If not you will have to manually link them.

Sorry if thats a terrible explanation hah let me know if you have any questions.

This worked for me! You're a lifesaver, I must be blind for missing that.
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