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Welcome Converted Blackberry Owners

PC Bigboy

Just wanted to give a big WELCOME to the poor souls who've seen the light & have moved away from a phone platform that's now proven to be as unstable as WINBLOWS by purchasing an Android in the last few days :D

I hate to rub it in, but......

(I love rubbing it in in this instance. The temptation is so irresistable & overwhelming) :D

Cheers :)

I switched from my Crackberry to my Captivate when I first got that thing. As for Windows, I use it only if necessary. Most of the time I'm on my computer is done in Ubuntu anyway.
I still miss my blackberry. I especially miss my awesome battery life (like forgetting to charge a couple of days in a row :) ) and the auto on / auto off feature.

That being said, I don't think I'll be departing the android train for some time.

Also, RE: Stability/security... I recently read an article that said that android's mobile browsers (specifically webview i believe) is incredibly insecure. A lot of apps use it to do their in-app web browsing. I think it was on Ars... not 100% on that though.
My girlfriend is actually switching back to BlackBerry. She hasn't been all that happy with any of her Android phones and has an overall loathing for touchscreens now. They assigned her a new Sprint Bold at work and she is as happy as she can be. She wants an overall communication device and could't care less about game, multimedia or anything else.

Personally, I'm just glad she found soemthing she is happy with so she will stop cursing at her phone in Italian. :D
There was a point in my life where I lusted after a Blackberry, but those days are long gone ... and I think that progression of emotions is true for many people.

I'm sure BB will hang on in the corporate world for a while longer, but outside of that market segment I think they're toast. And I bet that within a few years even that corporate support will start to fade, and then BB itself will be gone.
I've had various BB phones over the years but owning my first Android :)
They don't seem to care about their customers anymore which is sad really
I had a 9000 bold and miss the keyboard and facebook integration. The new bold looks really good too.

That said for personal use, I will not be going back.

I still think Android lacks the security and control that Blackberry has from a corporate e-mail position although theres nothing more secure than not being able to send and receive e-mails ;)
It's weird, just a couple years ago I remember hearing that RIM stock was at an all time high and that BBs were the most popular smart phone. Eh.. Times change, dinosaurs die.
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