Not necessarily. You're simplifying too much. Some people who choose to just eat pizza and remain fat are unable to control their weight. Others who choose to do that are able.
So, where do you draw the line? How do you determine person A has the psychical ability and will power ability, but they just choose not to use it, while person B has the psychical ability but not the will power ability, making them "unable?"
That's not accurate. Again, you're simplifying too much. There's a difference between having been convinced that you can't do something and choosing not to do that something.
I'm simplifying for a reason, to show a point...
So how do you know which is which? If you've been convinced you can't do it, can you be unconvinced? If you can, or could have been, unconvinced, should you still be considered "unable?"
Good because neither do I. But what you have said here is not my thinking.
But that is where that thinking leads... You can't measure will power, there is no way to know one person is actually lacking the will power to do something, while another simply is refusing to use their will power...
And I think there is a reason for that. Will power, isn't a trait like strength or height or metabolism. I don't think anyone really lacks will power to do something, but refuses to utilize that will power. I think with the right motivations, anyone can utilize their will power.
Anecdotal example: My wife is a smoker, and could never quit. But then she got pregnant, and quit cold turkey for 9 months. That was sufficient motivation to change her habits. She always struggled with dieting, then they told her she had gestational diabetes, and she went on a diet no problem.
Would homelessness and an uncomfortable life be sufficient motivation to engage people's will power?
If it is as you say, and some are simply lacking that ability to want to do something, therefore we must support them, because they lack the ability to want to work and hold a full time job, how do we make that determination? How do we determine one guy is simply lazy, while another is truly lacking in the ability to want to do something?