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What after the S4?

What phone will you upgrade to?

  • Galaxy S5

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Rumored Galaxy F/S5 Prime

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Galaxy Note 4

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Some other Samsung Model

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • HTC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LG

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sony

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Motorola Moto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • iPhone 6

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Windows Phone 8.1 Phone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Android Enthusiast
Jul 12, 2010
Johannesburg, South Africa
Just curious what phone you all are getting after the Galaxy S4?

I've had my Black Mist Galaxy S4 32GB (I9500) since launch day in April 2013, it has served me well, and is the 1st phone I've kept for well over a year since,the days of Nokia Nseries smartphones, it has had me wondering if I really want to upgrade this year.
I've decided I'm going to get the Galaxy Note 4 though, think it's time to make the leap to the Note range, hoping for a Galaxy Note 4 64GB in Black (or whatever they call the dark color).

So what are you guys going to after the Galaxy S4? Are you getting another Samsung? Are you changing brands? Changing OS? And why if you don't me or others asking.
I'm thinking GS6, too.

VZW owns my ass for another year, though, so that's REALLY when I'll be judging how good the Samsung line is. I came to the GS4 from a fairly long line of Motorola phones, and one of my biggest problems with those damn things was they tended to get buggy and laggy in the second year of performance. If the GS4 actually continues running well up to my contract end date, I will absolutely be replacing it with the next Samsung flagship phone.

(Indeed, I am presently eyeing the GS5 with a certain element of desire, but the improvements aren't enough to make me actively covet it. Hopefully, the GS6 will be a must-have upgrade.)
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I was thinking of buying a OnePlus One but I'm starting to think that the whole project is a cock-up and that the phones won't appear in reasonable numbers until they are outdated.

That being the case, I shall probably wait until my contract is up next year. I'd buy a G3 if I had to pick a phone that is available now.

I shan't be buying any more Samsung devices having bought their last three flagship phones and their most expensive tablet. I am really pissed off with the Knox nonsense on my Note 10.1 2014 (which is otherwise a very nice device). I was lucky with my S4 in that I rooted it before the Knox-enabled ROMs were rolled out but I'm not going to be bitten twice. It's my phone and I should be able to root it if I wish without there being any negative consequences.
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+1 on the knox stuff.

I just got my GS4, on ATT, coming in from Verizon and a RAZR MAXX HD. The GS4 is the absolute largest phone I'm willing to carry around as a phone. I don't think the GS4 feels as solid as it should... I much preferred the feel of my RMHD or the Moto X (I have one to try, but will be selling it off). The Moto X was just a little small for my tastes, coming in a bit smaller than the RMHD.

Frankly, if there was a Moto phone with the same size screen as the S4, no bigger overall dimensions, that would probably be my next pick, as long as it has BOTH a multicolor notification LED and the AMOLED screen. I'm picky about notifications...

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(Indeed, I am presently eyeing the GS5 with a certain element of desire, but the improvements aren't enough to make me actively covet it. Hopefully, the GS6 will be a must-have upgrade.)
It does seem to be the way Samsung does things.

The S3 was only a small jump from the S2, but the S4 was a big improvement on the S3.

The S5 is only a small jump from the S4. It would be reasonable to guess that the S6 will be a more substantial improvement. However, as I said above, unless they give the user the option to disable Knox so you can root the phone without blowing the Knox fuse, I'm off to the competition after years of being a satisfied Samsung customer.
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I just moved from the S3 to the S4. I don't buy the newest phone when it launches. I wait until my 2 year renewal. I have a couple of friends who buy the latest phones, every few months. I'm sure they spend well over $1000 a year on phones. I just don't feel the need.

I'm the same way. Just updated myself. I have a cheap phone plan and buying the latest phone off contract is so expensive. But now with the s5 being released affording the s4 became easier.
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