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What Android Has The Most Bands?


May 28, 2010
I am still using a Nexus 4, but I am considering a replacement. I want to get an Android smartphone that gives me the most flexibility in terms of switching carriers. As I understand it, since Verizon won't let a phone on their network unless it is on their list, that probably means a Verizon Android phone. Would, for example, a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5 be a good choice because it would allow me to use it on AT&T and T-Mobile? Is it still missing some data bands on both of those GSM carriers? Is there a better choice that would allow more (all?) data bands on Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile?
I'd say nexus 5 probably has the most though Verizon won't allow it. It's not that the phone can't work on Verizon but that they will not allow the nexus 5 on their network. But the nexus 5 supports gsm and CDMA bands so I think it wins as far as number of carriers it will work on.
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