Don't get too hung up on the word "sex": that symbol indicates biological sex as opposed to the sexual act, though it is also used to indicate female gender rather than sex (i.e. the social rather than biological classification).
"Internet" is too vague a term to be useful here: almost everything on the phone connects to the internet, and if that is a notification icon it relates to the app producing it rather than say what website was being viewed. It's possible that seeing it in context would help (you could crop out most of the screenshot), or seeing the exact symbol (things like orientation or stylistic touches can help with identification), but with the number of apps out there it's always a long shot hoping that anyone will be able to identify a particular icon unambiguously (and angling that symbol a bit seems to be a common practice in apps that use it, probably because it fits better into the square space provided for an app icon that way, so orientation may not tell us much anyway).