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What better way to start a Monday

porn, a third party developer, decided the VHS/Beta debate

Your own argument works against you in this example. Betamax was technically a superior product in terms of quality, but the problem was threefold. First, at the time the majority of televisions did not have composite input and would have to modulate the signal from a betamax player through analog channels 3 or 4 making the playback at higher definition impossible. Second, Sony's licencing was proprietary, costly and prohibitive (sound like any company we know?) JVC on the other hand provided VHS as less expensive alternative and open to all content ... yes, including porn. But porn didn't put VHS ahead because it chose to, but because it was the only delivery vehicle available at the time. Finally, original beta tapes could only record a single hour of high quality content, whereas VHS could offer two hours per tape making the distribution of feature films on a single cassette possible.

Truthfully, the VHS transport mechanism was more complicated and prone to problems, but the ability to provide a less expensive product that was functional let the market speak volumes to what it wanted. By that time the ubiquity of the VHS tape made Betamax a white elephant.
I see you are banned so this is for the benefit of those following this thread and to point out where you still must eat your words, because you are desperately trying to spin this in Apple's favor.

artificially limiting???? all android is doing is slapping a droid sticker on something and then using it in their stats against the iphone. a $20 devour from Walmart prepaid /= iphone. So using Devour stats in your totals is not statistically honest.

The only way that would be an invalid comparison was if those "$20 droid stickers" were on phones running something other than Android. No one is claiming the phones are equivalent pieces of technology. The problem lies with Apple in that if you want an iPhone you have your choice of two. Both currently sold models are high-end devices. Android is offered on handsets from the very basic, to those exceeding even Apple's high standards. The report was wide open ... phones shipped by OS. You want to restrict the parameters to make it look better for Apple. Perhaps "arbitrarily" would have been a better choice of words.

Droid appeals to more markets... not everyone wants a supercomputer in their hand, some people want nothing more than what a backflip offers, I understand that. That's fine for a business model to make money. However, you can't have your cake and eat it, too on this one. If you want to compare apples to apples, take the flag ship droids and compare to flagship iphone.

That, my friend is an entirely different study. Feel free to collect and publish the numbers on that one. Or at least give a list of minimum spec's so Canalys knows which phones to exclude next quarter.
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