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What does Nova Launcher backup actually backup?


Android Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2011
Basically the title to this thread says it all. What exactly does Nova backup? I have my screen pretty much setup how I want it, ie wallpaper, icons, widgets, etc. But I'm heavily using UCCW with custom hotspots and text. Will Nova backup those widgets?
Nova backup does not actually backup the widgets. It will backup the places where you put widgets. If you restore you're going to see squares with the names of the widgets you put there. It will return the wallpaper and the shortcuts with the theme you chose. Basically its your setup minus the widgets with placeholders.
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Some widgets do restore when you tap on the blank space :thumbup:
The main thing is all your app folders are still there :)

P.s, even after a TB restore, its pretty much the same deal. Theres blanks where your widgets were and some restore when u tap them. I dont use uccw though so i dont know about them.
The only way youll get everything exactly how it was is with a Nandroid backup :thumbup:
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