This is one of the silliest, most misleading queries I've heard and read in my life, "What is the meaning of life?"
Human life is but a miniscule portion of life just on this planet, let alone throughout the universe. So, "What is the meaning of human life?" would be a little less silly a question, in my opinion.
"Life," in general terms, is all life everywhere. Each organism's "meaning" has to do with its relationship with its surroundings; it has to kill and assimilate something to survive, it has to procreate, etc.
If conscious, as in with a thinking apparatus, it has to filter its activities through some sort of acceptance schema, such as morals and/or faith. Organisms which do that will usually define "meaning" to their life through that moral filter.
The least silly, to me, would be, "What is the meaning of
my life?" That is an individual organism seeking to live and work in concert with its organic environment. That's what works for this organism called "me," anyway.