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What is this stock sound?


Jun 12, 2023
Hi all,

This has happened to me before on other and older Android phones.

Every once in a while, I get this random sound alert that I can't identify and it just happens at random times, random intervals, and typically just goes bezerk (sp?) when it does it.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance guys, I really appreciate it!


  • What's this android phone sound.mp3
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what phone do you have? how long has this been happening? was this after an app you installed? you can try putting the phone in safe mode and see if it still happens. safe mode prevents any 3rd party apps from running. if it still happens then it is some part of your phone settings doing the notification sound. if it stops doing it, then it is a 3rd party app doing the sound.
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Its a stock sound of some sort. As I said, I've had it happen on multiple Android phones and OS versions, and it just starts happening all of the sudden. This is the first I've been able to record it.

It's random enough that safe mode won't help. I could have the phone on for days and nothing, then one day it just does it for about 2-4 min or so, then stops. I'd have to operate in safe mode for a month or more.

But when it happens, its annoying AF. That's why I'm asking.

Current phone: TCL REVVL 5G model T790W
android version: 11
Build: RKQ1.210209.002

Developer mode is turned on.
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