Leeeroy Jennnkinnns!
Trying to get a gauge for what kind of users are frequenting these forums. If you feel none of these categories apply, please pick the closest description and then post where you really stand.
Don't take the "rooted" wording literally. If you think you have the chops to root, but have chosen not to, that poll option is still valid for you.
The last 2 options deserve clarification:
a "conservative user" can be someone who is proficient with all the functionality of the phone. They are familiar with the market and download apps. But they don't necessarily care if they have the latest and greatest version of Android, or whether their linpack score is high.
a "tech shy" person is someone who hasn't grasped the basic capabilities of the phone, e.g. widgets, home screens, and perhaps isn't sure how to install/uninstall apps. I doubt many people fall into this category, but they are definitely out there.
Don't take the "rooted" wording literally. If you think you have the chops to root, but have chosen not to, that poll option is still valid for you.
The last 2 options deserve clarification:
a "conservative user" can be someone who is proficient with all the functionality of the phone. They are familiar with the market and download apps. But they don't necessarily care if they have the latest and greatest version of Android, or whether their linpack score is high.
a "tech shy" person is someone who hasn't grasped the basic capabilities of the phone, e.g. widgets, home screens, and perhaps isn't sure how to install/uninstall apps. I doubt many people fall into this category, but they are definitely out there.