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Root What kind of Neocore scores is everyone getting?

Hi guys, I recently saw on another post that a member was getting a neocore score of 27.9 fps using Galaxy 11 ROM (I'm assuming this is with audio off?). I'm curious to see what kind of scores everyone else is getting. Please indicate what ROM you're using and whether or not audio option is set to on or off.

I'm using Take5 and am getting 20.5 fps with audio on and 23.4 fps with audio off (seems a bit low to me, but then again I heard galaxy ROMS were faster than the No Twiz's.).
Hi guys, I recently saw on another post that a member was getting a neocore score of 27.9 fps using Galaxy 11 ROM (I'm assuming this is with audio off?). I'm curious to see what kind of scores everyone else is getting. Please indicate what ROM you're using and whether or not audio option is set to on or off.

I'm using Take5 and am getting 20.5 fps with audio on and 23.4 fps with audio off (seems a bit low to me, but then again I heard galaxy ROMS were faster than the No Twiz's.).

That was me. The sound was ON. This was right after a reboot. I'm using this to tweak my AutoKiller settings.:D BHMAN Galaxy 1.6 R11 with sleep bug fix.

UPDATE: After flashing to BHMAN Final, I now got 28.4 FPS
its an app from the market called "neocore". You just run the benchmark test on the app.

I don't understand how you guys are getting such monstrous scores. I installed Galaxy R12 and installed neocore immediately right after. I only get about 23.5 fps with sound on and 25.5 fps with sound off =/
are any of you guys having problem with the phone not sleeping with R12? I know that the sleep problem was suppose to have been fixed with this version, but my phone doesn't seem to want to sleep, and thats after already doing a master reset on it and turning off GPS and all other wireless apps.
are any of you guys having problem with the phone not sleeping with R12? I know that the sleep problem was suppose to have been fixed with this version, but my phone doesn't seem to want to sleep, and thats after already doing a master reset on it and turning off GPS and all other wireless apps.

After R12 I'm getting 30.1 NO Sound, 26.4 WITH Sound. Try to ADB PUSH services.odex from drakaz.com to fix "sleep issue".
Why is everyone on R12 Still? Final is the Last Rom!
services.odex was included as well..

Silly, R12 = Final. Just wishful thinking that if I don't call it final then maybe it's not final

Besides, under "About Phone", it still says Build number: Donut.BH_MAN_R12 ;)
Sound off- 30.8 Sound on- 25.8

Also try an app called linpack it calculates mflops and lets you upload them to compare to other people with the same phone in a ranked system. Im getting 3.9 mflops.

Sent from my Behold II using Tapatalk
Wow i only get 2.39 for my highest score in Linpack... The highest submitted for the Behold 2 is 2.404, so idk how you got 3.9...

31.2 - No sound.

26.7 - With Sound.
That was a typo sorry it is 2.39

Sent from my Behold II using Tapatalk
**updated score** of 215 right after reboot with taskpanel killing all background apps. Using Stock 1.6 No Twiz with kernal V3. Guess this really shows how much faster the Galaxy ROM is ='[. I'm not sure if its because I have lots of apps installed or not, but I was not getting nearly as high of scores as you guys on neocore even when I was using Galaxy Final ROM. (was only able to get 25-26 fps with sound off). And this was right after reboot with autokiller set to extreme. Any suggestions on how to speed my phone up?
Silly, R12 = Final. Just wishful thinking that if I don't call it final then maybe it's not final

Besides, under "About Phone", it still says Build number: Donut.BH_MAN_R12 ;)

Actually R12 was made before Final. There was a major bug fix and then Final was released and R12 removed. And considering he made it, maybe you should believe him :)

23.6 FPS Sound on
27.4 FPS Sound off
I'm running take5
Audio on:20.0 fps
Audio off: 23.4 fps
Quadrant: 209

Hmmm...I'm asking myself "do I REALLY need vibrate?":)
Silly, R12 = Final. Just wishful thinking that if I don't call it final then maybe it's not final

Besides, under "About Phone", it still says Build number: Donut.BH_MAN_R12 ;)

Silly, BH_Man = R12+Final+every other rom he has made.

But you would know that silly!!! :)
**updated score** of 215 right after reboot with taskpanel killing all background apps. Using Stock 1.6 No Twiz with kernal V3. Guess this really shows how much faster the Galaxy ROM is ='[. I'm not sure if its because I have lots of apps installed or not, but I was not getting nearly as high of scores as you guys on neocore even when I was using Galaxy Final ROM. (was only able to get 25-26 fps with sound off). And this was right after reboot with autokiller set to extreme. Any suggestions on how to speed my phone up?

well do all the background apps you kill, stay killed? or do they keep on restarting?

If you try to use autokill, then you are wasting speed there because when you autokill soemthing, it will be killed over and over and over constantly draining your battery.
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