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What Launcher Do You Use?


Android Expert
I wanna know what you guys use.

This is how you should format it to make it easier to everyone to read.

Launcher Name:

N Launcher

Why did you change to/get it:

I couldn't stand the stock launcher since I came from the LG Volt.

Why do you like your current launcher:
The customization is perfect for me.
Horizontal scroll on my app drawer. Green lettered links, and I can change the icons to my apps.
My son ises this phone.
He uses Nova prime, ADW (beta), Action Launcher 3 on it.
He didnt like the stock launcher either.
I didnt have any other motive. Thought maybe you went Warp.

No problem, and since we can't see each other's faces via a blog type forum, no harm was done.
and, I didn't let it bother me.... just a side thought. :)

as for being a Samsung Lifer.............. for now, yes.... :)
but, I am thinking of looking around
No problem, and since we can't see each other's faces via a blog type forum, no harm was done.
and, I didn't let it bother me.... just a side thought. :)

as for being a Samsung Lifer.............. for now, yes.... :)
but, I am thinking of looking around
Try a Nexus :)
They are bringing back night mode!
Nexuses are definitely nice.. but why buy an expensive @$$ new device for night mode?! Use Nova Launcher Beta and you'll have your night mode. Buy the Prime upgrade for $5 and you'll get even more out of it.
Yup, have been using Nova Prime since the 1st time I looked at it and decided "this is the way to go".
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