Bob Maxey
Android Expert
The one thing I'm convinced of is that the Apple/Android platform competition has been way good for us consumers - and anything that benefits us buyers, I'm all for. So - go Apple, go Android, because I like having choices that push performance (as I'm sure the iPhone lovers do).
Spot on, as usual.
My view is Android arrived to do battle with Apple and if Apple licensed their iOS, there would be lots of iOS powered devices and perhaps a few less Android devices. The iPad might be the market leader for decades to come or start to fail as Android matures.
I know there will be devices on the Android side that will put the iPad to shame and Apple being Apple could release something so utterly cool, I'll forever forget an android Tablet. Until a few guys in a garage bring out a revolutionary device that kills both devices. Or a tablet is released that runs Windows.
Or today, I'll fall down the stairs and it will not likely matter much.
Regardless, we greatly benefit from the Tech Wars.