Mr. Logic Pants
Let me make clear that I'm not an iPhone fanboy - I've owned smart phones since the first Treo (yeah, the plastiky flip thing which was still called Handspring) and have owned BB, WinMo (including the Athena with 5" screen), and now Android, all of which I customized. But I never found it compelling enough to buy an iPhone so I've never had one.
But I believe we should not become mindless Android fanboys either, which I do sometimes see some people become on these forums when someone says anything good about the iPhone or Apple. We need to honestly evaluate what we've got and give constructive feedback to help improve the whole Android experience.
But I will say that coming from WinMo to Android was an amazingly pleasant experience as far as usage goes - so much that as much as I love the HD2 and its 4.3" screen + Snapdragon I'm very hesitant to go back. Loved the flexibility of WinMo but it had all kinds of minor issues which made it hard to live with when you use it everyday - every one of my issues with WinMo disappeared with Android.
The hd2 is simply an amazing device. Id also like to see webos get some decent hardware. That way everyone will innovate faster, better, and cheaper for us. There are quite a few things I miss from winmo... like flash support, easy copy and paste, easier to customize, and many many very good home replacement apps. There's even an android simulator one.