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WhatsApp BANNED - Cleared ad infinitum.


I am new here so forgive if I do something in error.

I need help with WhatsApp - I installed WA for a friend easily no problem but whilst Overseas I also started an install for myself on my Android Smart phone.

Unfortunately the install broke off part way through due to rickety line etc.

I thought nothing of it and when back to UK purchased SIM and Re-Installed WhatsApp once more.

But I am now faced with being constantly BANNED and requesting Clearance - which happens every time - but then almost instantly BANNED once more.

I never get to actually use WhatsApp at all - I don't need it so much but would be usful to have available for Family stuff.

I think what is happening is that during the first 'Install, WA took note of the actual Phone ID itself and because I no longer have the initial SIM I could not use the WA rouitne to 'change' Phone Number.

I think WA have some sort of Scanning routine checking the Phone ID against Phone NO - that they are in Sync.

Obviously mine is not so constant BANNING and CLEARING.

Do I have to throw this SMART away - as do not seem to be able to change ID - there must be some way of explaining to WA this situation - it just needs a complete clear out of both Phone ID and Phone NO on their System and let me re-install.

But it seems to me I am talking to an AI Robot at the WA end of things and I get nowhere.

Every time I request it states I am checked and all is well - then off we go again BANNED.

Can anyone out there help/advise?

Best Rgds
I don't know what the problem is, but I wouldn't buy a new phone based on a personal theory, I'd try to understand the problem first, because if the problem isn't the handset then you could waste a lot of money that way. In fact I doubt your theory is correct, because if you failed to install WhatsApp on the phone then you never connected to them from that device and so they should have no record of any connection between the device ID and your phone number (current or previous).

So what exactly does this "banned" message say?

When you say you bought a SIM on return to the UK, did this come with a new phone number or did you port over an old one? It's usually numbers which get banned from WhatsApp rather than devices. Phone numbers are owned by the service providers and are a finite resource, so old numbers do get re-used. The provider should wait some period of time before re-issuing a number from a cancelled contract (can't remember how long, will be several months or maybe a year), but I wonder whether you got unlucky and got re-issued a number that had been banned due to a previous owner breaking the rules? It's just a speculation, but it's not impossible. If that's the case you will need to get through to a human being at WhatsApp to get it resolved. But if by any chance it is something like that then changing phones wouldn't help as long as you had the same phone number. This is why I think what you really need to do is get through to someone at WhatsApp and find out why it keeps being banned: once you know what the problem is you (or, hopefully, WhatsApp) will be able to work out how to fix it.
Thnxs for reply - I have mailed them continuously but I gain the impression that they are not read by a Human - seems to me that the response is automatic.

I had 40 + years in Software Programming so was able to explain in detail what is happening and what I figured was the reason.
Included Screen images etc.
They always insist on the phone no - and then come back with same messgae stating that they have checked and can see I am not up to 'naughtiness' and Clear my Ban - but it is back in literally minutes - used to be a Day or so.
Now I just send a note stating 'BANNED' and the phone no and it is immediately cleared - only to be banned again.
I have Factory Reset my phone several times - always use latest WhatApp Version and have tried Installing other Apps one at a time to see if they interfere but always the same.
I think it is now down to my Smart Phone ID and maybe WA continuallly scan Phone Nos against Phone ID and it doesn't like me??
See ATTACHED for messages. I initiallly Register all OK - then after message below when I try a Register again - I get the BANNED.
I do not really use WA at all - but useful within Family etc.


    171.7 KB · Views: 160
    67.4 KB · Views: 120
I don't know what the problem is, but I wouldn't buy a new phone based on a personal theory, I'd try to understand the problem first, because if the problem isn't the handset then you could waste a lot of money that way. In fact I doubt your theory is correct, because if you failed to install WhatsApp on the phone then you never connected to them from that device and so they should have no record of any connection between the device ID and your phone number (current or previous).

So what exactly does this "banned" message say?

When you say you bought a SIM on return to the UK, did this come with a new phone number or did you port over an old one? It's usually numbers which get banned from WhatsApp rather than devices. Phone numbers are owned by the service providers and are a finite resource, so old numbers do get re-used. The provider should wait some period of time before re-issuing a number from a cancelled contract (can't remember how long, will be several months or maybe a year), but I wonder whether you got unlucky and got re-issued a number that had been banned due to a previous owner breaking the rules? It's just a speculation, but it's not impossible. If that's the case you will need to get through to a human being at WhatsApp to get it resolved. But if by any chance it is something like that then changing phones wouldn't help as long as you had the same phone number. This is why I think what you really need to do is get through to someone at WhatsApp and find out why it keeps being banned: once you know what the problem is you (or, hopefully, WhatsApp) will be able to work out how to fix it.


Thnxs for reply - good thinking there.
Phone No was new SIM - no 'porting' etc. Previous was overseas - Asia.
I installed WA for wife no problem at all - hours on it in contact with family all over the place. ;o))
When I installed - exactly same sequence of events - Registered etc etc - then after a day or so trouble.
Please see Attached for what I get each time.
I try to re-register - then the BAN.
By the way I use GiffGaff which in turn uses I think O2 - I note that the it seems to use varying locations to the internet - maybe due to volume of data traffic etc
I have not control over that but it at times causes other LogIns to query me - Messge type 'Note you are logging on from a different location' etc
Nothing else unusual at all.

Best Rgds & thnxs for input.


    171.7 KB · Views: 142
    67.4 KB · Views: 115

I don't know what the problem is, but I wouldn't buy a new phone based on a personal theory, I'd try to understand the problem first, because if the problem isn't the handset then you could waste a lot of money that way. In fact I doubt your theory is correct, because if you failed to install WhatsApp on the phone then you never connected to them from that device and so they should have no record of any connection between the device ID and your phone number (current or previous).

So what exactly does this "banned" message say?

When you say you bought a SIM on return to the UK, did this come with a new phone number or did you port over an old one? It's usually numbers which get banned from WhatsApp rather than devices. Phone numbers are owned by the service providers and are a finite resource, so old numbers do get re-used. The provider should wait some period of time before re-issuing a number from a cancelled contract (can't remember how long, will be several months or maybe a year), but I wonder whether you got unlucky and got re-issued a number that had been banned due to a previous owner breaking the rules? It's just a speculation, but it's not impossible. If that's the case you will need to get through to a human being at WhatsApp to get it resolved. But if by any chance it is something like that then changing phones wouldn't help as long as you had the same phone number. This is why I think what you really need to do is get through to someone at WhatsApp and find out why it keeps being banned: once you know what the problem is you (or, hopefully, WhatsApp) will be able to work out how to fix it.

Following on - I suspect that you 'hit' the spot.
I have Factory Reset phone - re-installed WhatsApp - and Registered with an enitirely new SIM.
That now makes 3 days of 'clean' operation and no problems whatsoever.
Looks like it mgiht have well been down to the SIM/Phone No - can think of nothing else.
But that leads on to conjecture what else one could possiibly 'pick up' from an apparent new ( but previously used) SIM.
Just thanked a daughter for yesterdays delicious Easter Sunday meal - all via the magic of WA.

Best Rgds. & Thnxs.


WHOOPS - spoke far to soon - 3 days all OK then - back into the routine of BANNED/CLEAR and that is with a new number/SIM.
So once again - is it my Phone doing it? Something on my Phone??
Why don't Whats App at least state what their system finds that leads to the temporaryl BANNED?
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