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Help Whatsapp stopped working


Jan 12, 2011
Whatsapp was working fine until today afternoon, and suddenly, it has stopped working on note 8 phone. I have 2 whatsapp accounts on the phone, using the dual messenger setting, but both are not working. There is no error message coming up, except a fast notification that whatsapp has stopped. Then the phone goes to my home screen.
Please help
Its definitely a cache thing when using 2 versions of whatsapp. I've had the same issue a couple of times and doing a force stop of the main whatsapp or clearing cache always fixes the problem. I dont think its a note 8 related issue though, the same thing happened on my Xiaomi mi6 and on my wife's Xiaomi mi5. I believe it has something to do with how whatsapp stores it's data locally which is in the same location for both versions of the app.
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