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WHEN to get the EVO


Well-Known Member
Unlike most of you I will not be getting the EVO tomorrow. :( However, the more I read, the more convinced I am that I want to trade in my Moment (under 30 days) for the EVO, but I am a little skittish. My Moment is nice but definitely has "issues," including battery life, overheating and a noticible decrease in performance after the 2.1 upgrade (the threads I am seeing about FROYO "fixing" issues with EVO performance are frighteningly familiar).

So... I am waffling. I have until June 14th with my 30-day window. Part of me wants to get on the phone and order the EVO tomorrow. But the more rational part thinks I should wait at least through the weekend to see what issues you all have with the EVO first. If I do that, will I run a risk of not being able to get one? You guys have me scared that these things are going to sell out. I will be ordering from Sprint directly.

Leaving general excitement aside, what would you do in my position? I think the deal is, if I change to the EVO, that is it. I can't change back, nor do I restart 30 days with the new phone, correct?

To all of you getting your new phones tomorrow -- enjoy them! I will be watching this board very closely to get reports on how they are. :)
dude get the evo ... the moment is soo last year ... and you will like it . anybody likes whats best in the market now . so go for it before your 30 days are up
I'm in the same boat since I had to jump ship within 30 days to avoid Verizon's ETF. I got the Moment to hold me over until the EVO launches.

That said, I don't know if I am more excited to get the EVO tomorrow or to be getting rid of the Moment. You're on the EVO forum, so you know you want it.
evo is a generation past the moment so unless you really need the hard qwerty I would go for it. If nothing else you can sell it for more if you decide you don't want it.
I can't get one til NEXT week, since I had a surprise on my bank account ><

I'm SO jealous of you guys tomorrow, sadly I can't join in the fun just yet
I'll be waiting to get it to read some reviews of peoples experoences first. See what or if any bugs or prevelant out of the box. But I sure am tempted.
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