One of those directions is generally called "smaller government". Since neither I or anyone else can speak for such a group, I'll just describe what it means to me: Less federal government power at the least, and hopefully less government that acts to tell me what to do with my life. Is it really necessary to have dozens of agencies and a US Code and CFR that is literally thousands of pages long?
I can say, I 100% agree with you. But what you are saying is 100% pointless. We can not have a small federal government. And here is why. Less then 100 years after your "set up (of) a federal government ", the United States of America FAILED as a country.
It split itself into two parts and created one of the most bloodiest and costly wars in the history of mankind. 640,000 Americans died in a war that was completely about " states rights." About 1 million United States citizens died about a war over "states rights." States rights has one simple and dramatic problem. If I want to own a slave in x state, I have to be able to move to y state and still own my property. Or are you saying that states have the right to strip you of your property?
The other problem with states right, and we see this today in Europe, is import exporting laws. The vast, greater then 80%, of all goods that come into this country come by boat. There is only about 30 major harbors in this country, but only about they are completely within the boundaries of 6 states. Those six states control the vast majority of goods. You think taxes are high now, wait until califorina starts to tax all the goods that go through LA. When you have strong state rights, you create competition between the states, which will lead to disputes, and then to war.
The European union was created, because the financial and trade restrictions between the land lock areas and the major ports started to strangle the countries, which led to acts of war. Strong state rights is a failed policy that will led this country back to another civil war. It has not worked in the United States, Europe, Africa, or the Middle East. In order to maintain the union, the states have to give up there rights, and in 1861, this country fought and lost those rights. I understand what you are saying. You want a smaller government, so do I. But allowing Ohio to dump toxic nuclear waste into the southern flowing rivers is going to create conflict.
Everyone of those laws that you talked about, was put into place, because if they where ignored, they would create intense hostility between the people in the state, and between the states themselves. I am with you on that fact, smaller government is better government, but republicans do not offer you smaller government.
In fact, republicans offer you larger and more expensive government.
Out of the 14 trillion dollars we have in debt, 10.5 trillion was spent by a republican president. Read this, it is 100% true.
Republicans and Big Government - James Ostrowski - Mises Daily Bush jr, passed the medicare part d system. By itself is will be the third largest entitlement program, ever. Right behind the US military and Social Security.