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Wheres my music?



Think this phone is the hardest phone that I have tried putting my music on. The phones that I have had prior have all had SD cards so I transfer the music on to the SD card and can find it straight away.

When I transfer music from my computer on to the One S I have so many issues finding it when I want to play it. I think it is in the right place as I put it in the same folder that the music that came with the phone was in but I am unable to find it. Frustrating.

Is there an easy way to transfer music from the computer on to the phone and have it in an easy to reach place?

I tried downloading WinAmp to see if that helped but cant find the music through that either.

Any help and tips would be appreciated.
I just made a folder on the phone and named it music. I would put all my music there when transferring.
There's a few ways to get music onto your phone. You can obviously plug it in to your computer via USB, set it to disk mode and put it all in the music folder, but there are better ways!

You will have received a 25gb dropbox account with the phone, use it! I use a brilliant app called dropsync, which keeps certain folders up to date with your dropbox. Once this is set up, all you need to do is add music into a dropbox folder on your computer, and they will appear on your phone when it syncs (it's best of course to have this set to sync only via wifi). I also have this syncing my camera folder, so photos are automatically uploaded to dropbox and then appear on my computer. I find this a fantastic way to do things - I never have to plug my phone into my computer. Of course it works both ways, you can remove files from your phone remotely too.

If you know that you have some music on your phone but you can't find it in the player library, it's just because the phone needs to rescan your files. Use the Rescan Media app which will instantly rebuild the music database and make your music appear. Either that or restart your phone which should trigger a rescan.
Thanks easychord,

I restarted my phone and then the music appeared.

Will look in to sync-ing my music with dropbox aswell.
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