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Root Which is the Internet Browser

Boat, it's light, fast, great add-ons and theme able. :p
Do you know if it supports flash on JB ROM's? I couldn't find that specifically in the description on the Play Store.

Edit: Here's a thread with some recommendations for JB browsers. Both naked and boat were suggested as good alternatives, and I noticed that boat has a mini version in the Play Store as well.

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I have never had any luck with Chrome, before or after rooting. Never fully rendered pages on my phone. And now using 10.1, when I press a key on the keyboard, the keyboard disappears and doubles the page its on.
Opera Mini is nice, and has always worked for me efficiently, but Opera Mobile seems to can't connect to the server half the time after I rooted.
Naked Browser is the one now. I was asleep on it, but it's what I use exclusively. It's no beauty, but it's fast & smooth, and that's what I want.
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