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Who here has a dog that is terrified of fireworks?


Mine had to have a pillow over her head (with her nose poking out), my leg thrown over her and a hand on her back to keep her from trembling last night.

Today I'm yawning like the MGM lion and will sleep like the dead tonight.
We sadly had a dog run away two years ago yesterday when we had them outside with us, and one of the G-rated fountains decided instead to play Firecracker on steroids. By the time we got the kids calmed down, we realized he was missing, and unfortunately never found him. :( two years before that we took him to the town's firework display and he went bonkers, yanked free and got about 250 yards away before someone grabbed his leash and literally dragged him back to us. So we knew he was deathly afraid of them, but figured the non-exploding legal in GA kind would be OK...
We have two dogs. One is the mellowest old pooch you've ever met. Fireworks, thunderstorms, doorbells and even other dogs barking don't phase him. The other was cowering at my feet all night, the little coward. ;)

My dog is fine with them but my friend's dog is terrified. I was over there yesterday and he jumped the fence in terror. He has to be medicated and that only takes a bit of panic out of him. Poor guy, it's awful. He was put in the house with all the windows closed but was still pacing and shaking. My dog just looked at him with a 'what is your problem, I want to play' face.
First 4th with my pit was last year. I tried putting her in the room with music on but when I came back she was scratching at the door and there was blood from her paws.

This year I gave her benadryl, took her into the room an hour before the sun went down and played video games full blast to get her used to the noise. She slept the whole time:)
So i thought I'd stop in to see what's all the halla baloo about and well, your dogs are scary cats....lol jk....my cat was busy last night trying to fight, by jumping in the air and judo chopping, the fireworks. Every time a boom went off there she went. Silly gracie jane.
I was worried that my dog was going to be scared. I took him to the fireworks lastnight, and made sure to hold him when they started in case he got scared and tried to bolt. He was fine, he was more excited to pee on the same tree 20 times. I was really worried that he would have run off, and someone would steal him.

A few weeks ago he got out of the house. I threw on some shoes and ran after him. I was outside maybe 2 minutes after he got out, and already some woman picked him up and was walking off with him! She gave me a hard time about giving him back to me, she was trying to keep him! I told her that I would follow her while calling the police so they could sort it out. That is when she finally gave him back to me. He had his tags on, including one with my phone number. I just can't believe someone would just try to take my dog with me right there. Ever since then I have been very paranoid about someone stealing him.
In Guangdong Province I've seen dogs that are terrified of restaurants and chefs. Dogs don't seem to be afraid of loud fireworks at all, they're a normal everyday occurrence.
Right here! Last night, I spent it on the couch with Gabby, while she was curled into a ball. I live in close proximity to a local "lake" that they shoot fireworks off at, combined with the local folks launching things, and random dipshits shooting their guns in the air, she was pretty freaked out.
I was worried that my dog was going to be scared. I took him to the fireworks lastnight, and made sure to hold him when they started in case he got scared and tried to bolt. He was fine, he was more excited to pee on the same tree 20 times. I was really worried that he would have run off, and someone would steal him.

A few weeks ago he got out of the house. I threw on some shoes and ran after him. I was outside maybe 2 minutes after he got out, and already some woman picked him up and was walking off with him! She gave me a hard time about giving him back to me, she was trying to keep him! I told her that I would follow her while calling the police so they could sort it out. That is when she finally gave him back to me. He had his tags on, including one with my phone number. I just can't believe someone would just try to take my dog with me right there. Ever since then I have been very paranoid about someone stealing him.
Wow, that is a crazy story! I've never heard of anything like that happening before. Weird.
In Guangdong Province I've seen dogs that are terrified of restaurants and chefs. Dogs don't seem to be afraid of loud fireworks at all, they're a normal everyday occurrence.

That's hilarious, but seriously my poor dog hears an explosion and jumps off the bed and cowers under it. It's especially bad around here because I live near the beach so the fireworks are constantly going off.
Rescue pup (guess she's not a pup anymore) that's scared of EVERYTHING. The sound of boiling water terrifies her. Sound of the stove hood vent scares her. Sizzling steak scares her. Paper bags scare her. She doesn't like people and doesn't like animals.

She's extremely friendly once she gets to know you, but until she does (and it takes a LONG while) you can count on her being scared and protective.
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