Android Expert
Or . . . that is how it SHOULD work.
I recall a supervisor who was hired by a manager who biked with the director of HR, who once said something like "I hire Vietnamese line assistants because they are smarter than whites. I would never hire a woman because my wife (a non-English speaking person from Vietnam) will not tolerate it" Or words like that.
This HR Director was hired and he brought along his friends and put them into positions they did not understand. When a problem arises, there was no reason to waste your time talking to HR.
This Super said it out loud and was unapologetic. HR listened to some others "whine" and said it was the Supervisor's prerogative to hire anyone he wants to hire. The same HR person who had people fired for cheating on their numbers (as they should have been) did nothing when his friends did exactly the same thing.
This wonk's wife was supposed to run a precision production line and she could not speak a lick of English, or understand a circuit or use a modem.
I recall the incestuous relationships between our Director of HR, several Line Managers and several Supervisors. You had to do your job, naturally, but you had to be careful not say anything that upset a Supervisor or Manager. Should they not like you, HR was no use. This is the same group that openly said they will look at a dozen whites before hiring a black person.
Lots of politics in the workplace and not only do you need to do your job, you have to play lots of games that make it very difficult to do that very job. You must CYA bigtime. Sometimes, you are screwed no matter how good you do your job and getting fired can be a matter of internal politics and BS.
I belelieve you just described Corporate-America....(or Amercia as Romney spells it)