Mr. Logic Pants
Now, you being from Chicagoooo, should be a firm supporter of the Union way. Don't you know that they aren't all bad? I am a very hard working union member. I know that to some that is an oxymoron, but it is the truth. Unions built this country, and gave/give many a very good living. They have raised the standard for many. We owe a lot to unions in the USA.
I can understand the reason for your jest, but just wanted to put my .02 out there.... And remember, we aren't all bad.![]()
Oh I know you aren't all bad, but I believe most unions these days have exceeded their intended purpose and are operatining out of pure greed. Alot of people bring up the chicago angle with me, as I do lean both republican and conservative, but I don't classify myself as either. I'm my own party. (And believe me, it's a complicated thing! for a whole different thread!)
That being said, sorry if I offended you, but I was just making a comical play on todays' union image.
Yes, HSDPA, HSUPA, and HSPA/HSPA+ Are completely separate from the GSM signal itself, and is often confused with GSM technology. In reality, GSM carriers 3G signals, are in fact, WCDMA/CDMA signals, and are being dual-casted, much like the current WiMax/CDMA dual cast Sprint is rolling out. That also explains the ability for voice + data on the GSM networks.
Voice/SMS signals won't be dead until 3G is phased out =P