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Why do I get sick so easily!!


Android Expert
Seriously, I don't understand it. Every morning I take vitamin C, D, E, A, and B. Along with an apple or banana and a glass of orange juice. I eat relatively healthy. But yet I still get colds all the time it seems like, I even had one during the summer! I'm thinking it's because I don't exercise enough? Any other ideas?
apple vinegar cider strengthens the immune system. honey strengthens the immune system (pick up RAW it has a crazy amount of antibacterial and healing properties). flax seed strengthens your immune system.

Exercising strengthens the immune system. If you can work out a few times a week it will help you IMMENSELY.

Steam rooms strengthen immune system. But you need to be part of a club. I find this helps me a lot.

I eat very well and take D3, Fish Oil, flax seed, Multi, Vitamin B12 almost daily.. eat lots spinach and wheatgrass for my greens and sun dried tomatoes which have anti-cancer properties.

Also drink lots of green tea - it has a tons of antioxidants and is really good for you.

I can't remember the last time I've been sick.. definitely way over a year.
I'm thinking exercise mainly. I work at a job where I do a lot of sitting around and I'm not very active in the winter months. I live in Ohio, when winter comes around I want to sleep till spring lol
All that healty immune building stuff is snake oil i think. Of course excersizing is good no doubt about it. The only tried and true thing to build the immune system is bad stuff, dirt, germs, bateria, etc. Bad things is what you need for immune system to build a strong defense against them. Look at our parents and grandparents. They played in the dirt, mud, played with frogs, snakes. did all that bad stuff thats bad for you. Old men are strong as an Ox. people nowadays are delicate and fragile. people try to shield themselves so much that when they are actually exposed to "bad" stuff thier body cant hang with it.

Im not pointing any fingers at the OP, I'm just giving a response to all the solutions that people think is a cure all.

If you honestly think you get sick to often maybe you can see your doctor and voice your concernes about it. Some people do naturally get sick more often than others. My wife gets sick 3x more than me at least. Obviously we are exposed to the same things as we live/eat/sleep together and go the same places, except for me going to work we are exposed to the same exact things, so IDK..
This is going to sound crazy but it works. Whenever I feel a cold coming on I eat a whole bar of Lindt Supreme 90% cocoa Dark Chocolate (it tastes awful) and drink a few glasses of Welch's Grape Juice. You'll still get a little headache and maybe a runny nose, but you won't get congested. After a day if you still have symptoms eat another bar and drink more grape juice. I usually get 1 or 2 colds a year that used to last 5-7 days, I've managed to cut it down to 1-2 days by taking the dark chocolate and grape juice.
All that healty immune building stuff is snake oil i think. Of course excersizing is good no doubt about it. The only tried and true thing to build the immune system is bad stuff, dirt, germs, bateria, etc. Bad things is what you need for immune system to build a strong defense against them. Look at our parents and grandparents. They played in the dirt, mud, played with frogs, snakes. did all that bad stuff thats bad for you. Old men are strong as an Ox. people nowadays are delicate and fragile. people try to shield themselves so much that when they are actually exposed to "bad" stuff thier body cant hang with it.

Im not pointing any fingers at the OP, I'm just giving a response to all the solutions that people think is a cure all.

If you honestly think you get sick to often maybe you can see your doctor and voice your concernes about it. Some people do naturally get sick more often than others. My wife gets sick 3x more than me at least. Obviously we are exposed to the same things as we live/eat/sleep together and go the same places, except for me going to work we are exposed to the same exact things, so IDK..
I'm of this opinion too actually. I thin that medicine will benefit us now, but not in the long wrong. That being said, I'm not a doctor, just payed attention in science class ;)
some people immune systems are better than others...

my ex-wife gets sick all the time... but i hardly catch it from her.

but if i got sick.. it was guaranteed she would too.
Do you wash your hands all the time? Do you check spoons and forks before you eat to make sure they're spotlessly clean? Do you use hand sanitizers regularly and avoid germs or anything that could harbor germs at all costs?
Do you wash your hands all the time? Do you check spoons and forks before you eat to make sure they're spotlessly clean? Do you use hand sanitizers regularly and avoid germs or anything that could harbor germs at all costs?

Thats what im talking about.. you do all that on a regular basis and then one day (its bound to happen) your gonna get a germ on your hand and rub your nose then WAM!!! your body freaks out and your sick. Steady exposure to everyday germs is actually what causes your immune system to grow "immune" <--- hence the term. Just my 2cents... uh well counting my first post I guess Im up to 4 cents now...........
Seriously, I don't understand it. Every morning I take vitamin C, D, E, A, and B. Along with an apple or banana and a glass of orange juice. I eat relatively healthy. But yet I still get colds all the time it seems like, I even had one during the summer! I'm thinking it's because I don't exercise enough? Any other ideas?

Colds are caused by invasion of a virus your immune system has not yet been exposed to and developed a blood borne response to.

Too bad the term "cold" is used for that, because cold has nothing to do with propagation of a virus beyond people remaining indoors and together with less outside air ventilation so the virus has ready access to more people.

Eating healthy keeps the immune system working properly, but a proper working immune system in human beings also needs to "know" the virus in order to defend against it at next exposure. Vitamins and orange juice can't do that.
I was just thinking, it could also be kids. I started dating a girl that has a 2 year old and an 8 month old. Kids are little germ pods. lol they all have the cold I'm battling right now
Your Constitution is like a 7. You need a Book, or other magical item to raise it. A Wish will work too, but they are pretty expensive.

Hopefully you compensate in some other attribute. Although you may just have had a shitty roll of the dice, depending on the generation method used.
Vitamins and orange juice can't do that.

I beg to differ, if I sneeze on your Vitamins and orange juice then that'll give your body a roadmap to creating antibodies ;) :p

Exercise is always a good start, as is drinking plenty of fluids (water) and getting your nutrition from whole foods. As far as juices are concerned, I try to avoid the juice that you find on the shelves at your local store because they're chocked full of sugars and in some cases aren't even made with the juice on the front as a primary ingredient. I bought some Ocean Spray "blueberry" juice once only to find that the main ingredient was BEET juice...wth?!?!
Too much of one type of food and/or supplement can lead to toxin build-up in your system. If you are taking supplements, you have to be active to burn them off properly. Moderation is the key and knowing what and how much your body can handle is better than any diet out there.
I was always getting sick with colds, random fevers, itchy and spotty skin etc but I was also depressed and stressed.

Then i got a dog, sorted my life out, and before I knew it I am totally healthy.

of course eating healthy and regular exercise can keep you healthy and control your stress levels, but sometimes, you may just have to identify if you are generally under pressure and stressed or not.
Well, I'm your opposite and I don't do things suggested to keep from getting sick and I am NEVER sick. I don't wash my hands all the time, just when they are dirty. I don't use hand sanitizer. I don't get gobs of sleep. I don't eat super well and don't even exercise as often as I used to. I don't get flu shots. I don't take various medications or over the counter drugs and in fact it's rare that I ever take anything even if a pain killer is prescribed to me for something (I'm also lucky enough to have a very high threshold for pain as a related side note). No vitamins (this is just a money making industry anyway and no scientific evidence exists that this is of any benefit at all). I don't examine my silverware at a restaurant and make sure it's microscopically spotless. I was also raised like this so I think my body just built up a strong immune system. My wife hates it as she gets sick regularly and even goes out of her way to kiss me when she is to try to get me sick. Doesn't work. I just think a good exposure to germs is actually good for you and too many people shelter themselves from germs too much so their body doesn't know how to handle them.

So, that's what I do and while I can't say for sure it will work for you I have noticed over the years that those like me who rarely get sick fit the same mold and those who get sick regularly carry a 1 gallon jug of antiseptic hand cleanser everywhere and use it regularly. Say it with me.... germs are good!
Well, I'm your opposite and I don't do things suggested to keep from getting sick and I am NEVER sick. I don't wash my hands all the time, just when they are dirty. I don't use hand sanitizer. I don't get gobs of sleep. I don't eat super well and don't even exercise as often as I used to. I don't get flu shots. I don't take various medications or over the counter drugs and in fact it's rare that I ever take anything even if a pain killer is prescribed to me for something (I'm also lucky enough to have a very high threshold for pain as a related side note). No vitamins (this is just a money making industry anyway and no scientific evidence exists that this is of any benefit at all). I don't examine my silverware at a restaurant and make sure it's microscopically spotless. I was also raised like this so I think my body just built up a strong immune system. My wife hates it as she gets sick regularly and even goes out of her way to kiss me when she is to try to get me sick. Doesn't work. I just think a good exposure to germs is actually good for you and too many people shelter themselves from germs too much so their body doesn't know how to handle them.

So, that's what I do and while I can't say for sure it will work for you I have noticed over the years that those like me who rarely get sick fit the same mold and those who get sick regularly carry a 1 gallon jug of antiseptic hand cleanser everywhere and use it regularly. Say it with me.... germs are good!

I do a lot of that too but I still get sick 1 or 2 times a year, but I still agree with most of your theory. I think another part of it is genetics. Some just have better immune systems, just like some people are taller than others.
Well, I'm your opposite and I don't do things suggested to keep from getting sick and I am NEVER sick. I don't wash my hands all the time, just when they are dirty. I don't use hand sanitizer. I don't get gobs of sleep. I don't eat super well and don't even exercise as often as I used to. I don't get flu shots. I don't take various medications or over the counter drugs and in fact it's rare that I ever take anything even if a pain killer is prescribed to me for something (I'm also lucky enough to have a very high threshold for pain as a related side note). No vitamins (this is just a money making industry anyway and no scientific evidence exists that this is of any benefit at all). I don't examine my silverware at a restaurant and make sure it's microscopically spotless. I was also raised like this so I think my body just built up a strong immune system. My wife hates it as she gets sick regularly and even goes out of her way to kiss me when she is to try to get me sick. Doesn't work. I just think a good exposure to germs is actually good for you and too many people shelter themselves from germs too much so their body doesn't know how to handle them.

So, that's what I do and while I can't say for sure it will work for you I have noticed over the years that those like me who rarely get sick fit the same mold and those who get sick regularly carry a 1 gallon jug of antiseptic hand cleanser everywhere and use it regularly. Say it with me.... germs are good!
this is me too. It seems like I do everything to not be healthy, and I never get sick. I eat poorly, I drink to much, no exercise, never a flu shot, not a huge hand washer (unless they are dirty)...I never ever get sick, unless it is a hangover....my boyfriend on the other hand washes his hands all the time, and is afraid of germs, and he is always sick.
this is me too. It seems like I do everything to not be healthy, and I never get sick. I eat poorly, I drink to much, no exercise, never a flu shot, not a huge hand washer (unless they are dirty)...I never ever get sick, unless it is a hangover....my boyfriend on the other hand washes his hands all the time, and is afraid of germs, and he is always sick.

Our children could start a master race of humans that could eradicate influenza & the common cold! :D

By the way, I heal practically overnight & don't scar much. My wife hates it.
Our children could start a master race of humans that could eradicate influenza & the common cold! :D

By the way, I heal practically overnight & don't scar much. My wife hates it.
What are you?! Which planet did you come from? Krypton? That newly discovered Earth-like planet? WHERE!?!?


I tend to get sick once or twice a year. Never for too long either.
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