Bob Maxey
Android Expert
You know you're old when without a doubt M$ used to be the evilest company. Now MS is a distant 3rd behind Apple & Google. And I never would have thought I'd say this but Bill Gates & his wife are funding wonderful charitable projects all over the world. To the tune of over 10 billion dollars USD at present & will eventually give away over 45 billion dollars USD. Now that's what I call making amends for harms done. How much has Apple & Jobs given away? Yeah I know he's dead.
I am not sure a corporation's gifting says much. It certainly does not mean their products/services suck. Corporate America has always given much away.
I seem to recall Steve Jobs put an end to corporate contributions and that made some people mad. Not sure what Mr. Jobs gave away and it is none of anyone's business, frankly.
Trust me on this: Microsoft was never, EVER the most evil tech company. Take this from someone who knows who was naughty and nice. I refuse to name names.