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Why does Apple have to be so mean and greedy?

Do you think Apple is greedy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 39 81.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other (post)

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
You know you're old when without a doubt M$ used to be the evilest company. Now MS is a distant 3rd behind Apple & Google. And I never would have thought I'd say this but Bill Gates & his wife are funding wonderful charitable projects all over the world. To the tune of over 10 billion dollars USD at present & will eventually give away over 45 billion dollars USD. Now that's what I call making amends for harms done. How much has Apple & Jobs given away? Yeah I know he's dead.

I am not sure a corporation's gifting says much. It certainly does not mean their products/services suck. Corporate America has always given much away.

I seem to recall Steve Jobs put an end to corporate contributions and that made some people mad. Not sure what Mr. Jobs gave away and it is none of anyone's business, frankly.

Trust me on this: Microsoft was never, EVER the most evil tech company. Take this from someone who knows who was naughty and nice. I refuse to name names.
With regards to pricing....

Obviously they do things differently over in America to the UK...

Here we can buy pay as you go, locked to a network, or Sim free (unlocked and you would usually pick a pay as you go Sim) finally, Get a contract, depending on the phone and the tariff then things vary.

Generally there will be specific tariffs for x mins with x texts and xmbs..... This is where iPhones become a lot more expensive....

When I got my s2 around a month after it was released I got it for 32pm with no other charge, if I wanted An iPhone at the time, on the same tariff, the phone would have cost am additional 100-150 wood, just for the 4!

This is where the iPhone becomes so much more expensive....same tariff, handset price completely different!
It's not the quantity - it's the quality. I resent ads that even sail close to the wind at hinting you are a bad parent if you don't buy your kid the latest and greatest.

You don't "need" anything except food, shelter, and clothing. I don't "need" a smart phone. I use mine as an information service and PDA. I've been told that I should get a dumbphone since I'm doing it wrong.

Marketing has gotten more extreme as people have gotten more blase. I can't find specs for much that I'm interested in. "But it does Facebook" - I'd prefer to know how things work in the background. Can I turn of data, can I do wifi only? These questions are never answered.

Tell my why you think your product is superior. Just "because" doesn't work.

It's an "Experience" doesn't appeal to me and is no answer. I've got plenty of "Experience" for free. A rainbow after a storm, the first flower of spring, a bird enjoying itself in a birdbath, watching a child as the light dawns on how something works.

Everyone is entitled to what they think is best. But telling me an Iphone is so cool doesn't say why. Saying Android is cool also doesn't explain anything. So fanboys of anything just annoy me.

The quality of marketing isn't helping any of this. It's telling kids in particular that they deserve the best at all times. Now with a bad economy, parents might not be able to afford the "best".

I have no problem with those who make products making a profit. Just don't push it in my face. Don't sail close to the wind, and back up the claims. I don't want any product that does everything for me so I don't have to think. Mental exercise is good for the mind and the soul.

Why do you "deserve" the "best" anyway?

People are greedy and ads are pandering to this greed. You should be able to make money, but nobody needs to make a "killing" every time. Put out a dish of candy and at least half of the people will empty the dish. Very few take just one piece.

You should buy a product that works right for you - not to impress your friends and make yourself feel like you are part of the in crowd. What happens when the crowd moves on to the next "great" thing?

One old Verizon ad sticks out. "The phones you love on the network you deserve"

Why do I deserve it? Exaggerating your self worth is a form of greed.
You don't "need" anything except food, shelter, and clothing. I don't "need" a smart phone. I use mine as an information service and PDA. I've been told that I should get a dumbphone since I'm doing it wrong.

Actually, you need a cell. Ever try to find a payphone downtown? Most are either missing from their little house or they are broken. Phone books are damaged or missing, so you often need the web.

And if your livelihood depends on email and text messages; not to mention, phone calls, you need a cell.

You do not need a cell at home, but you then need to pay for a home phone. Why bother with that if you have a cell?

Sadly, it is not the consumer that decided if you require a cell, it is the phone company and the rats that screw up the pay phones for the rest of us.

Why do you "deserve" the "best" anyway?

Deserve is such a tough word. I "deserve" the best because I worked my behind off to get to a point where I can afford the best. My station in life will not accept also rans.

I gave up quite a bit to get there, so the best is my reward.

The word "best" is also a tough word. As you will likely gather, one can never say his or her device or product is the best.

I have owned many things long considered to be the best. Leica and Hasselblad cameras, 25-30 YO single malt scotch, ten to fifteen dollar cigars, a very nice place to live and vintage port. Indian Chief motorcycles and top of the line amateur radio equipment.

These things seem to be proven to be the best, depending how you want to define the word Best.

We all deserve the best we can afford, but whatever those things might be, it also depends upon what we think we deserve and if we deserve the best.

Ads change. I guess they all cannot be hits. The corporate bottom line tells the tale.

I remember when Mr. Jobs stood on stage and opened a manilla envelope and pulled out the iPad. Not an ad, but it sent me scrambling to the computer to learn more about this device called an iPad.

I do not care because I know the Apple product line and I ignore the ads. There are many Android ads on TV these days and I am sure a few are "offensive" to some people.

In looking for Apple commercials, I found lots of interviews with Jobs as well as his various presentations. When you listen to him speak, it is clear that he was a brilliant guy. He has a way about him that is quite interesting.

I was taken by this one from 1984:

1983 Apple Keynote-The "1984" Ad Introduction - YouTube

Interesting to listen to him discussing his fears of Big Blue's dominance over the computer market and how IBM "wants it all." He speaks about how dealers "fear an IBM controlled and dominated future."

Not sure how an Apple supporter like myself should react, but it does seem that today, Apple wants it all, too. Nothing wrong with that. As far as I am concerned, Apple's products drive the Android market to some extent and I think Android will be around for some time.

If not, cell phones and tablets will be and perhaps we will have something better than Android. And iOS.

It is also interesting that Job's goal is to make the best Personal Computer he/they can. I always get flack when I call a Mac a PC. Just sayin'

LOL . . . then there is this:

Steve Jobs Vs. Steve Ballmer- YouTube

Not sure anyone should buy a computer from a raving crazy old fart like Ballmer. At least he was not wearing a black turtleneck. Then again, if he changed his hair color to black, grew a beard and wore a black turtleneck, it would drive the Apple fanboys into a apoplectic shock.

He just does not seem like he should be heading a PC company; he should be selling extra wide shoes at the local strip mall's Big and Tall Shop.
To be honest, there are other companies alot worst than Apple.

AIG: Money for Nothing
Cargill: Food Profiteers
Chevron: ‘We can’t let little countries screw around with big companies’
Dole: The Sour Taste of Pineapple
GE: Creative Accounting
Roche: ‘Saving lives is not our business’
Philip Morris International: Unshackled

I honestly don't think apple ipod/ipad and such is expensive. But there laptops and desktops are wayyyyy over priced to me at least

that is interesting.. according to their own internal research...so it is NOT because android phone (Samsung) looks like iphone and not because users are stupid. but because clients are on different carriers. Verizon is the biggest. ATT is only 1 of 4 major carriers. Their product was not even available to MOST of the market.

so, apple needs to sue att for blocking their availability to users on other carriers.

My guess is many use YT because the cost is zero. Not sure what to blabber on about because my views are likely minority views. I think lots of stuff uploaded to YT is illegally uploaded. Actually, I do not think, I absolutely know.

So iTunes charges you a buck per track and kids can get their kicks for free . Free Vs pay me is not an Apple issue; it is human nature and speaks to the morality of the little ones.

If YT opened a grocery store and gave away food--knowing that much of it is stolen--YT would succeed and the Mom and Pop store across the street would see few customers.

I can DL an Android application (probably an iOS App as wee) that lets me DL all kinds of music for free. Why visit iTunes or Amazon or some other place and pay for what is free? No reason except perhaps for my personal morality.

What happens if Google is taken to task by a cabal of angry creators and a class action forces Google/YT to remove this free music? Google makes a big deal about piracy, but they also like cash so they do little to nothing to police their sites.
Using dubious patents to seek injunctions is pretty unique in the tech industry outside of non-practicing entities. I don't know if that makes them greedy, but it certainly doesn't make them endearing, and consumers definitely don't win if this is how the market is going to be controlled. Why kind of iphone and ipad would we have right now anyway, if Android manufacturers weren't pushing Apple to progress forward?
By pushing Apple forward you mean, 'Android on the cutting edge and Apple copies, patents, and then sues everyone who infringes on their patent'?
Because they're smart. They have so much money now that they're smart enough to strategically buy parts in bulk and way ahead of time so their costs are much lower than competitors', allowing them the opportunity to price their products, which is in ultra high demand due to smart marketing, at high and ridiculously profitable prices. They are in a unique position in that they have more money than they know what to do with, so what better way for the executives whose job is to earn shareholders some money than to smartly utilize all that capital to earn as much money as possible in as many ways as possible?
Apple is truly an innovator, and they are bragging their innovation with the money they make. Google on the other hand is copying Apple in all the products.
Apple will release something cool. It might not be a new iPhone or 7-inch tablet, but using history as a guide, (and assuming the Apple magic did not die with Steve) Apple might do something "insanely great."

We do not know Apples future. We do not know much about the iPhone 5, and we do not even know if a $149.00 iPhone is in the works. What we can assume is Apple often changes the game.

I look forward to Apple's next product.

From all the mock-ups, case designs, leaks, etc. so far, I am not impressed with what the new iPhone is turning out to be. IF and a big if, the cheaper variant is what all the leaks are, that might be something to compete with Android's lower offerings. Otherwise, meh...
As for Apple, I don't think they are evil, just greedy. Like almost any large corporation. They want to make as much money as they can, and keep other companies from doing the same. I don't agree with their tactics, but with the system set up the way it is, they are within their legal rights. I can only hope something changes with the patent system to put a stop to all this nonsense.

Greedy is a hard word. Every company wants to maximize profits. They tell us their product is better than the other guy's product. Shareholders demand high profits and if you buy stock, you want it to double in value, never drop in value.

Many think Apple was issued bad patents. Perhaps they were. But the fact remains, they were issued legal patents and they have every right to defend them.

I really hate that word, greed.

Apple is truly an innovator, and they are bragging their innovation with the money they make. Google on the other hand is copying Apple in all the products.

Not sure Google is copying Apple at every turn. You are right, Apple knows how to innovate.
"It was just a slab of frosted glass - about 6 x 9" in length and width about 1" thick.
It had beveled edges, rounded corners, and was completely featureless"

Isaac Asimov - What If

Judging from the rest of the story, it was written in the 50s or early 60s.

Rather sounds like a description of any tablet.
Apple is truly an innovator, and they are bragging their innovation with the money they make. Google on the other hand is copying Apple in all the products.

silly .. at least you made me smile :rolleyes:

Greedy is a hard word. Every company wants to maximize profits. They tell us their product is better than the other guy's product. Shareholders demand high profits and if you buy stock, you want it to double in value, never drop in value.

Many think Apple was issued bad patents. Perhaps they were. But the fact remains, they were issued legal patents and they have every right to defend them.

I really hate that word, greed.

Not sure Google is copying Apple at every turn. You are right, Apple knows how to innovate.

you normally have great insight and full of great information.
but in this apple vs android issue.. you are very biased.

patents are given, but they should have not been given. and for apple to use them in this manner is just WRONG. 2 wrongs do not make a right!
the whole situation is wrong!

apple may have had some innovations, but they are based on other's work. and of late, they have not innovated even that much.

apple products are good, solid, pretty, and all around top-notch...great for a particular market segment. the current new products are not innovative in any way. and apple knows it, and that is why they are using bogus patents to slow down their competition. but in time, they will find themselves in a small niche, similar to PC vs Mac. (it would be funny; if google had to bail apple out, just like MS had to in the past)
Greedy is a hard word. Every company wants to maximize profits. They tell us their product is better than the other guy's product. Shareholders demand high profits and if you buy stock, you want it to double in value, never drop in value.

Many think Apple was issued bad patents. Perhaps they were. But the fact remains, they were issued legal patents and they have every right to defend them.

I really hate that word, greed.

Not sure Google is copying Apple at every turn. You are right, Apple knows how to innovate.

I agree with you on all but the last sentence. :D

Not an Apple fan myself, unless it's a fuji, but they are within their legal rights here. I just happen to be in the camp that thinks many of the patents at issue,on both sides, should never have been granted.
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