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Why I can't stick with my DNA...


Android Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2011
I can't put my finger on it, but I just don't like the DNA...

It actually has the best signal in my area. The screen is amazing. The camera is great. It's fast. It's stable. It looks and feels great in my hand...yet I hate the phone (hate might be a little extreme)...but there is just something about the phone that I don't like. Maybe it's Sense? But I've put a new launcher on it and it doesn't improve my overall interest in the phone. Maybe it's the lack of support of games like NBA Jams, NFS, Doodle Jump, etc? Maybe it's the fact that I'm not rooted? But I'm not a flash-aholic. I just don't know what it is, but I can't stick with this phone. In fact, I've bought and sold it twice in the past couple of months in hopes of liking it better the second time around...but it's just not happening.

Is there something wrong with me?
I'm not really sure what to say about this topic. If game compatibility is a dealbreaker for you, and this phone just doesn't have it, then that's a fair reason not to like it. If that's not it, then the OP is just weird. I mean how can you like everything about the phone but not like it. That really doesn't make sense.
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I can't put my finger on it, but I just don't like the DNA...

It actually has the best signal in my area. The screen is amazing. The camera is great. It's fast. It's stable. It looks and feels great in my hand...yet I hate the phone (hate might be a little extreme)...but there is just something about the phone that I don't like. Maybe it's Sense? But I've put a new launcher on it and it doesn't improve my overall interest in the phone. Maybe it's the lack of support of games like NBA Jams, NFS, Doodle Jump, etc? Maybe it's the fact that I'm not rooted? But I'm not a flash-aholic. I just don't know what it is, but I can't stick with this phone. In fact, I've bought and sold it twice in the past couple of months in hopes of liking it better the second time around...but it's just not happening.

Is there something wrong with me?

The unfortunate part for you in regards to games is that all new phones coming out with true hd screens & hi dpi will have the same issue with games not working unless the game devs update their games (same goes for some apps too).

This is the price we pay for getting the latest and greatest..
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We all know the SGS4 will sell like hotcakes, so maybe it having a 1080p 5" screen will finally force these game authors to update their stuff to work with this bigger and better screen.

That's my hope, anyway. There's still a ton of games for the casual user like myself, but the lack of compatibility with some popular and complex games is definitely a good reason to avoid the DNA.
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Guess what? I'm back to the DNA...after running a GNex for a while and a LG Spectrum 2 for a while longer, I've picked up another DNA. This one is rooted, running Sense 5, and I must say that it's pretty awesome.

It still feels like a big black brick and doesn't play any EA games. But I'm enjoying the experience more this time around. Maybe it's Sense 5? Maybe it's the freedom of being rooted? Who knows what it is...but it's definitely growing on me.

I guess the third time is a charm!
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Guess what? I'm back to the DNA...after running a GNex for a while and a LG Spectrum 2 for a while longer, I've picked up another DNA. This one is rooted, running Sense 5, and I must say that it's pretty awesome.

It still feels like a big black brick and doesn't play any EA games. But I'm enjoying the experience more this time around. Maybe it's Sense 5? Maybe it's the freedom of being rooted? Who knows what it is...but it's definitely growing on me.

I guess the third time is a charm!

*Rolls eyes*..... Let's hope you don't view your women in the same manner that you view your phones...
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Guess what? I'm back to the DNA...after running a GNex for a while and a LG Spectrum 2 for a while longer, I've picked up another DNA. This one is rooted, running Sense 5, and I must say that it's pretty awesome.

It still feels like a big black brick and doesn't play any EA games. But I'm enjoying the experience more this time around. Maybe it's Sense 5? Maybe it's the freedom of being rooted? Who knows what it is...but it's definitely growing on me.

I guess the third time is a charm!

No EA games? Which ones can't you play? I have several on my phone now
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No EA games? Which ones can't you play? I have several on my phone now

None of the Need For Speed games, NBA Jams, Madden, etc are compatible with my device...at least not through Google Play. I just assume EA isn't supporting any games for it. What games are you running on yours and did you get them through Google?
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None of the Need For Speed games, NBA Jams, Madden, etc are compatible with my device...at least not through Google Play. I just assume EA isn't supporting any games for it. What games are you running on yours and did you get them through Google?

2 from playstore, other 2 or 3 from EA site.

Batman, Spiderman, Asphalt, Mass Effect, Iron Man 3... think that is it....
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