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Why is it so hard for Android and iPhone fans to have a respectful discussion?

Some posts and articles are created solely to incite fanboy wars. They work because people fall for them. People do grow emotionally attached to the brand on the items that they buy or use. Some people just know how to push people's buttons and incite a fanboy war.

Apple and Android devices seem to be targeting a different audience. One side tends not to agree with the other side about the merits of each device because they bought devices for different reasons. If they agreed, they'd end up buying the same device in the first place.
Well the in the grand scheme of things, there are more important things to talk about besides which phone is better. But there are other places to discuss those things.

I really don't know why after each Iphone launch fanboys and girls who use each platform decide to sharpen their knives and go after each of other. It's really nasty stuff. I'm just glad this site has stayed out of the crosshairs if this petty arguement.

Maybe it's just the hype of the Iphone from the mainstream media and the other tech sites that enrages the rabid android fans or the pompousness of the rabid Iphone users. I just don't know.

BTW- I was at the mall this evening with the GF and we passed the Apple store and I just had to go in and check out the I5. I played around with it for a good 5 minutes and came to the conclusion that I'm glad I jumped to Android. It's a beautiful phone, honestly once you see it in person. But I'm just not understanding what all the hype is about.
Where are those elusive fans? I am a MS fan and I truly dislike the devices. Ugly UI. If I want an ugly UI, I'll DL the theme.

It's not just that it is ugly. From a practical level it is hard to distinguish between different UI elements because of the strange choice of colors and simple graphics.
Because most of those fans from each side are 15-20 year old spoiled brats! :D:D:D

You may joke. It depends on what people you come across. For the most part, adults have them on contract. There isn't much hype there, they have to like it or lump it until renewal time. It's the kids who suddenly decide they're cool & the adults have to humor them.

It's weird because if you have a range of products, the higher spec one would normally cost more - from cheap & chearful bikes up to racing spec, from colourful plastic headphones up to audiophile equipment... the kids will believe their stuff is cool, until they get to try out the good stuff. Imo apple have flipped this around slightly. OK their products are high spec, but by no means the highest. They've managed to con people, in particular, spoilt brats (or their parents), into believing they're top simply because they paid more than anyone else, just to look cool. Well done apple :rolleyes:.

That's the reason. It's like pulling teeth trying to explain to kids their stuff is only 'better' because it looks cool. Maybe they do know, but at that age looking cool is far more important.
Some started when Apple was the main system in graphics and publishing. These people would now be the parents (maybe grandparents) of the current youth. Apple made it easy to do anything, especially with Windows and its driver mayhem. People wanted stuff that just "worked." This has carried over. All Apple stuff is "supposed" to work together. Word of mouth from these people can be very convincing.

Except for some of Apple's policies, I'd tell a friend to get an Iphone. She constantly fights with her EVO 4g. I know her well enough that she would not agree with IOS keeping data where she doesn't want it kept. I'd dealt with her and her ME computer with a virus years ago to know how non-tech she is.

As for myself, I'd prefer a totally blank OS to where I can add what I want. Unlocked Nexus is close. I like to tweak, anyway.
BTW- I was at the mall this evening with the GF and we passed the Apple store and I just had to go in and check out the I5. I played around with it for a good 5 minutes and came to the conclusion that I'm glad I jumped to Android. It's a beautiful phone, honestly once you see it in person. But I'm just not understanding what all the hype is about.

And the same could be said for Android. Obviously a few people like Apple, right?
Some people feel the need to justify their purchase of a product by putting every other device on the market down. We have it with Android vs Android where people will tell you that your phone in inferior to their phone because of XYZ. It happens with iPhone users when they talk about how much better this year is vs last year. You even see it with carrier discussions where company A is horrible and evil so you should use company B.

With some, they believe that using a device makes them a spokesperson for the company that makes it.

Some people are just doing some goodhearted ribbing or joking around. We do it here a lot when we joke about Apple suing someone for something silly. Most of the time this is meant to get a laugh, but it only takes one person that is too serious reading it for the joke to sour quickly.

With some, it is just gang mentality that one side is red and the other blue. Since they bought something from the red company they must now hate the blue company.

The truth is that people do it for their own reasons and most of them don't make a lot of sense. There are those that can argue the merits of any device and those that have solid reasons for disliking one brand or another. As others have said in other threads, this happens with everything from cars to brands of coffee. Once some make a decision on which is best for them there is no changing their mind or attitude about it.

I remember the Hero vs Samsung Moment wars... those were the days...:smokingsomb::rolleyes:

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