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Why so few apps?


Android Enthusiast
I'm really irritated with my iPhone (iTunes, actually) and I'm looking for alternatives. I thought an Android phone might be pretty cool, but there doesn't seem to be very many apps for it. It doesn't appear that any of the cool apps I use on the iPhone even exist for Android yet. I guess I just assumed that developers would start developing like mad for this phone since Google is behind it.

The main apps I use are:

* Facebook (Seriously, there isn't an official Facebook app yet??)

* Shazam (I play music into my phone and it tells me information about the song. I use this all the time when I hear stuff on the radio and I'm not familiar with the artist.)

* Google Maps with GPS

* Pandora Radio

* Flixster (I see that this does exist. yeah!)

* Intelliscreen (an app for hacked iPhones that puts my upcoming calendar events and new emails on my "locked" page.)

* VNC (for accessing my work network)

* VPN (this is built-in to the iPhone. it allows me to get to my work network)

* The Weather Channel

* Motion-X GPS (Very cool GPS app)

And, of course, the iPod functionality. My thought now is that I'd be taking a huge leap backward if I were to switch to an Android phone, at least for the time being. What do you think about that?

I've even considered getting a Palm Pre, but I think Android would be better. My assumption is that Google Wave will be integrated more fully into Android.

Any thoughts?
I'm really irritated with my iPhone (iTunes, actually) and I'm looking for alternatives. I thought an Android phone might be pretty cool, but there doesn't seem to be very many apps for it. It doesn't appear that any of the cool apps I use on the iPhone even exist for Android yet. I guess I just assumed that developers would start developing like mad for this phone since Google is behind it.

The main apps I use are:

* Facebook (Seriously, there isn't an official Facebook app yet??)

* Shazam (I play music into my phone and it tells me information about the song. I use this all the time when I hear stuff on the radio and I'm not familiar with the artist.)

* Google Maps with GPS

* Pandora Radio

* Flixster (I see that this does exist. yeah!)

* Intelliscreen (an app for hacked iPhones that puts my upcoming calendar events and new emails on my "locked" page.)

* VNC (for accessing my work network)

* VPN (this is built-in to the iPhone. it allows me to get to my work network)

* The Weather Channel

* Motion-X GPS (Very cool GPS app)

And, of course, the iPod functionality. My thought now is that I'd be taking a huge leap backward if I were to switch to an Android phone, at least for the time being. What do you think about that?

I've even considered getting a Palm Pre, but I think Android would be better. My assumption is that Google Wave will be integrated more fully into Android.

Any thoughts?

I am running the Facebook app, as well as Shazam, Google Maps with option for GPS/Wireless, and the Weather Channel. I'm not big on music, but do have Last.fm, but do not really keep up with it or know if there are better music apps.

With Widgets, steady updates to apps, and emulators, I really enjoy my G1. Not to mention saving apps to SD card.
* Facebook (Seriously, there isn't an official Facebook app yet??)

Dunno where they went but they were their.

* Shazam (I play music into my phone and it tells me information about the song. I use this all the time when I hear stuff on the radio and I'm not familiar with the artist.)

Android has Shazam. Heck, even BB has Shazam. I use mine all the time.

* Google Maps with GPS

Comes with the phone.

* VNC (for accessing my work network)

* VPN (this is built-in to the iPhone. it allows me to get to my work network)

I'm sure these are out there.

* The Weather Channel

The weather channel app on my phone says 53
Sweet! I just looked at the google app market (Android | Official Website) and saw just a handful of apps, and most of the ones I saw were pointless and uninteresting to me. But I did notice that many of the apps that I use were not there. Is there not a single marketplace for Android apps, similar to the Apple App Store?

Music - I use imeem which is like Pandora and I use TuneWiki which is available on Jailbroken iPhones is better than iTunes according to many.

The Facebook app that friends use seems to work great for them and I read it is the same one on the iPhone (not confirmed).

Cyrket - Search: 'facebook'

Shazam, Flixster, Google Maps with a better hardware GPS, The Weather Channel - all there.

Locked screen functionality - possible since I use Owner Info, but I like your idea, and will start looking for that.

VNC - Cyrket - Search: 'vnc'

I agree with abgarza it has all I wanted. I like the hardware keyboard of the G1 that I have.
Sweet! I just looked at the google app market (Android | Official Website) and saw just a handful of apps, and most of the ones I saw were pointless and uninteresting to me. But I did notice that many of the apps that I use were not there. Is there not a single marketplace for Android apps, similar to the Apple App Store?


Cyrket - unofficial but the guy did a great job, has, star rating and recent app comments too...You should get lost quick there, in all the apps that are out.
My big irritation with the iPhone is that I'm locked into using iTunes. i have a bunch of MP3s. I liked the way my blackberry worked. It was just a USB drive and I could drag new song files into it using Windows Explorer. Is that how the Android phone works, too, or do I need a client application to manage that?
My big irritation with the iPhone is that I'm locked into using iTunes. i have a bunch of MP3s. I liked the way my blackberry worked. It was just a USB drive and I could drag new song files into it using Windows Explorer. Is that how the Android phone works, too, or do I need a client application to manage that?

You will love this. Your SD Card is a drive...simple.
It looks like I'd be stuck with m.facebook.com for the time being. I love the official app on my iPhone. I would imagine that they'll eventually make one for Android. At least I hope they would.
It looks like I'd be stuck with m.facebook.com for the time being. I love the official app on my iPhone. I would imagine that they'll eventually make one for Android. At least I hope they would.

Weird. They use Fbook, which I checked is not available for some reason in the market at the moment. I agree it is only a matter of time.
You will love this. Your SD Card is a drive...simple.

I do so enjoy watching movies on my phone when I finish the internet and playing Nandroid. Currently Showing: Happy Gilmore and Speed Racer. Not to mention a few others well hidden behind a flashlight. :D
I'm almost sold on this. I can deal with the lack of official applications for now. I will assume that they're coming at some point. And I will also assume that when Google Wave is released, it will be more tightly integrated into Android than with any other phone.

The one GIGANTIC downside to this is T-Mobile. In my opinion, they're the worst major cellular provider by a mile. Last I heard, their coverage in the Denver area was horrible. I used to have a friend on T-Mobile and we were constantly having dropped calls or instances where I couldn't even call her.

What has your experience been with T-Mobile? Are any of you in the Denver area?
I'm almost sold on this. I can deal with the lack of official applications for now. I will assume that they're coming at some point. And I will also assume that when Google Wave is released, it will be more tightly integrated into Android than with any other phone.

The one GIGANTIC downside to this is T-Mobile. In my opinion, they're the worst major cellular provider by a mile. Last I heard, their coverage in the Denver area was horrible. I used to have a friend on T-Mobile and we were constantly having dropped calls or instances where I couldn't even call her.

What has your experience been with T-Mobile? Are any of you in the Denver area?

a) don't count on Android getting the treatment you think - I have firsthand knowledge that there are different teams who work on Android than other Google Apps, sure it is walk across campus but be aware

The iPhone web services from Google work well on Android, but the Calendar app on Android and the Calendar app for mobile web and the Calendar app for Desktop are a great example of varying levels of function and features. Keep that in mind. Google won't be stupid, they won't leave behind anyone with a decent market, esp. leaders like Apple.

b) Tmobile coverage for Denver - Unsupported Browser

Zoom Out...your mileage may vary, but with a 14 day trial period, try it.
It looks like I'd be stuck with m.facebook.com for the time being. I love the official app on my iPhone. I would imagine that they'll eventually make one for Android. At least I hope they would.

Originally, when android was launched, Facebook basically said "nobody's going to buy that phone, so we're not developing jack" I don't know if they've changed their tune but that's the last I heard from Facebook itself.

I've seen mention on here, and I don't remember which thread but someone with a wordpress blog is developing what appears to be an AWESOME Facebook app as we speak. They've not released it yet, but they do have screenshots.

To reiterate and expand on dkaufman's remark --- yes, there are different groups working on different but similar products (gmail regular, gmail android, gmail mobile browser, etc) so don't expect Google Wave to launch on Wednesday and be on Android on Thursday of the same week.
Having used Gmail, I know from experience that it's not a question of IF Google Wave will integrate with Android -- it's more like "How soon?"
In this past month, google has added the ability to see your google tasks on your google calendar alongside your appointments. This hasn't flowed to Android yet, but like I said, it's only a matter of time. I've had Gmail for several years now, and at first there was nothing much to it, since then they've added plugins for GoogleTalk, Google Calendar, Google Tasks, labels, my google account gets me into youtube, picasa, and I even discovered I had a blogger account already. Integration and feature expansion seems to be one of their addictions.
I wasn't thinking that Wave would be integrated immediately, but I do think that ultimately it will be integrated more fully than just an app, like you'd get if you used an iPhone.

There is one other app that I used practically every day, the Motion-X GPS tracker. I'll look to see if I can find a replacement for that. If I can, and if I don't have horrible coverage in my area, I might consider switching.

Have any of you switched from iPhones to an Android phone? I'd be interested to hear stories from people who've made the switch.

What does that Motion X app do?

It is quite cool! It can do a number of things including:

* Record the path you take
* Show you current speed, average speed, and top speed
* Show distance traveled and time elapsed
* Show you your path on Google Maps
* Show your current latitude and longitude
* Export your path via email (very neat feature)

I just emailed them and asked if they were going to do an Android version. They said they might do so in the future, but it is not on their short-term road map.
Glad I asked...there are a few programs, one even by Google that does this for runners, go to cyrket and search gps. You will get a lot of results.

I don't use these much so I don't know the exact names of each one, but for some of them there are some good videos of usage on the developer's site. I think you might not find all the features you wanted but most. I am sure Motion X devs might figure that the iPhone is where they are making it and their team is not big enough to split into an Android dev team.
dkaufman1, thanks for the link to the coverage area. It looks like the coverage in the Denver area is just as good as I have currently with AT&T, or at least very comparable. This is becoming very tempting. I just signed my AT&T contract a couple of months ago, though. I bet my early cancellation fee would be huge. And then I'll need to find someone to sell my iPhone to.
I like the browser on my iPhone. What do you think of the Android browser? I see that Opera is an option, too, and I'm familiar with that one.
What has your experience been with T-Mobile? Are any of you in the Denver area?

I live in Fort Collins and when ever I get closer to Denver my coverage just gets better. I'm not much of a caller. i have not had any dropped calls. i have had coverage issues when going to WY [for work] or into the mountains [but who has coverage in the mountains?]. There is no 3G in foco but as I get close to Denver [Boulder] I get 3G easily.

Like I said, i have never had a call drop on me or not been available because of coverage. But I'm not much of a caller.
I like the browser on my iPhone. What do you think of the Android browser? I see that Opera is an option, too, and I'm familiar with that one.

The native browser is great, I use that. There are other options as well, Steel and Opera. I like the current browser though, it's fast, renders well and is easy to use.
It is quite cool! It can do a number of things including:

* Record the path you take
* Show you current speed, average speed, and top speed
* Show distance traveled and time elapsed
* Show you your path on Google Maps
* Show your current latitude and longitude
* Export your path via email (very neat feature)

I just emailed them and asked if they were going to do an Android version. They said they might do so in the future, but it is not on their short-term road map.

Buddy Runner does all of these very, very well. One of my favorite apps. Google has something similar that also tracks your elevation, if thats a requirement also, but BR's interface is so simple, and the whole thing works so well that I just prefer this app.

As far as T-mo, I've been with them going on 5 years, and they have improved quite a bit in that time. Very few dropped calls for me these days. Coverage in Buffalo NY is excellent, though we have no 3g here. I have a grandfathered rate that keeps me here, and service for the last several years has been good enough that I would not really think about going elsewhere (and losing my plan rate).
It is quite cool! It can do a number of things including:

* Record the path you take
* Show you current speed, average speed, and top speed
* Show distance traveled and time elapsed
* Show you your path on Google Maps
* Show your current latitude and longitude
* Export your path via email (very neat feature)

I just emailed them and asked if they were going to do an Android version. They said they might do so in the future, but it is not on their short-term road map.

My Tracks is an application that comes from a 20% time of a google worker. It allows also to mail your track and generate google doc data
Buddy Runner does all of these very, very well. One of my favorite apps. Google has something similar that also tracks your elevation, if thats a requirement also, but BR's interface is so simple, and the whole thing works

Hi RavenS0ng,

I also use BuddyRunner quite a lot (works beautifully) and it DOES track your elevation, at least indirectly. After your run has been uploaded to your dashboard, you can see this information also.

Or am i missing something here :-)

Kind regards

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