I think the percentage must lean towards the apple side for the flaming.
Honestly I believe the iPhone is aimed at a much larger audience that includes the elderly & children; & in between are the fickle people who are buying purely because of the apple fashion. But the truth is these people are playing catch up because, apple products have been around for years now, & suddenly they feel all smug about being part of an 'exclusive club'. It's a great bit of marketing from apple, because people NEED a phone, so there is the excuse to join said exclusive club... even if they are being ripped off for it.
It's all a shame really, because I tend to liken Android powered devices to Mac computers (note - I do not include iOS devices when I say this*) because of all the goodness & straight forwardness of a unix system. OK you may still have been fleeced for your Mac, but it's really about the operating system & all the benefits it brings in escaping Micro$oft.
iOS is a clever bit of marketing aimed at the fickle middle-ground audience. Much like Pop Music. It's just a shame that these people are so ignorant that they actually believe they have the First Ever Smartphone! It's like being preached to by a child, you just nod & smile at them.
* I'm still on Leopard. Isn't Lion supposed to be a nod towards iOS?