I just got a Stellar from some guy on craigslist in the hope of simply using it as a wi-fi device. Met him at a Verizon store to have them check to make sure it wasn't stolen and all was good. However, when I got it home and fired it up with a new blank sim card, it locks the phone and says it's trying to activate it. So I went back by the Verizon store and asked them if there was a way around this and they said no. Even in airplane mode it won't work.
So, I spoke to Samsung advanced level tech today and Samsung has been forced into some kind of agreement with Verizon that any phones provided to Verizon will not be allowed to be used as a stand alone wi-fi device.
All Samsung smartphones MUST be activated and have a monthly plan with Verizon in order for the Wi-fi portion of the phone to be accessible.
Samsung phones with Sprint and others do not have this restriction on them (according to the tech I spoke with).
So, I spoke to Samsung advanced level tech today and Samsung has been forced into some kind of agreement with Verizon that any phones provided to Verizon will not be allowed to be used as a stand alone wi-fi device.
All Samsung smartphones MUST be activated and have a monthly plan with Verizon in order for the Wi-fi portion of the phone to be accessible.
Samsung phones with Sprint and others do not have this restriction on them (according to the tech I spoke with).