Android Enthusiast
ok so let me finnaly try to get this straight...
yeah i have a wifi router in my house, and using wifi and google maps on my phone is FREE?, but using it litally on the go is like using it on the road and then i have to use my carriers internet, then its NOT free?
or using a barcode scanner app with my home wifi where the app takes me to the internet browser after scanning the barcode is free? as long ******as long as im on wifi its free??? even using a browser on my android using my home wifi is free?????****
Yes, it is always free if you are connected to wifi: in your home, at the library, at certain coffee shops that provide free wifi, etc. Even though I have an unlimited data plan (my carrier requires it), I always use wifi when it is available. It is generally faster and more reliable.
You will be surprised to find out how often you want access to information when you DON'T have the ability to use wifi though. Want to get the score of the hockey game while you are out? You need data. Need directions? Google maps requires a data connection to work. Have a weather or news widget installed? It will automatically update itself at pre-installed intervals. Facebook too. And you have to register a g-mail account in order to use the Android Market, so gmail will require data as well.
I'm sure you CAN disable 3G and use only wifi. But you won't get everything out of your phone that it is designed to do. And if it accesses the 3G network even briefly, you can expect a large bill. Honestly, I wouldn't have a phone with all these capabilities if I could only use them at home on my own wifi. Most of the cellular carriers here in the US will not allow you to activate a smartphone on their network without a data plan. Maybe it's different in Canada.