I was browsing tmobiles plans for there top phones when I noticed that they are trying to get people to BUY wifi services at a rate of 9.99 a month... As far as i know this should not be alowed. when you use wifi through a phone it is not using any service provided by the cell phone carrier. it is internet through a third party. to me this would be like being charged by toyota to get new tires on my truck even if i go to sears. there is no way this would fly. it seems as though they are trying to take advantage of the fact that most people dont know what wifi is. i am not picking on tmobile either because i think i have heard verizon saying the same thing. unless i am missing a big piece of the picture, this would be another class action lawsuit for these cell phone companies. probably along the lines of "A service provider cannot bill a member for a service they did not provide". i mean, i can get onto any wifi hotspot with my laptop for free, why would i need to pay tmobile for it. can anyone explain this to me???