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Help WiFi Network 'Saved' After Lollipop


Jul 16, 2010
I am staying in a hotel where you need to get authorized through their web interface. So when I checked in, I selected the WiFi network, the phone would get an IP address, and then ask me to launch a browser so I can punch in my room number, access code, etc.

Well, while I was on the network, I downloaded Lollipop and installed it.

Now when I select the same network I was on an hour ago, the phone just alternates between "Connecting..." and "Saved", and I never actually get connected.

Googling has told me I should replace the router (clearly not possible), or turn Smart Switching off. I don't have my Network Data on, so this isn't an option.

What other thoughts might you have?

(And yes, this laptop I'm typing on is connected to the same router - so the network is up and running).


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