It'll be interesting to see if the population diagnosed with this grows or shrinks. This could be a small evolutionary step. Those who can cope with the new environment will go on and those who can't will be left behind. For once, I don't see this as being a form of Darwinism that will be legislated into submission.
What a joke. The article talks about EMF (electromagnetic fields) but also claims Wifi makes people sick. Well... Wifi is not an EMF. It's EMR (electromagnetic radiation) around the 2.4Ghz spectrum. So which is it? the wifi? or random EMF caused by electronics?
BTW, definitions of EMF and EMR here: EMR & EMF
And here's the kicker: EMF affects compass needles. If you were to argue that being close to electronics exposes you to high levels of EMF, there's a simple test you can do. Hold a compass near you and see if it fluctuates, or if it settles on the Earth's magnetic north. If it fluctuates, the local EMF is stronger than the Earth's field. If it points north, then the Earth's field is stronger.
So.... I suspect these people who claim to get sick from EMF are living in areas where the Earth's fields are stronger than the EMFs they claim are causing their illness. Which means that if EMFs really do cause sickness, the Earth is the culprit.
These people people are getting sick by the Earth. I'm ready to hand out Darwin awards to these people.
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