Uh-oh. Them's fightin' words! :laugh:
And? Horseless carriages [otherwise known as cars] were 'different' from horse-drawn carriages...but people adapted.
Completely different, Windows and Linux are capable of the same speed. Cars are much faster than any horse can ever be.
More game companies are releasing native Linux versions now.
So you use Linux exclusively? Also, Guild wars 2? WOW? any other wildly popular games?
Yes, it is. Linux, however, is not Android. And Android, while Linux, is not a standard Linux distribution, in that its OS innards are much more protected. But that doesn't mean they're inaccessible. You just have to try harder. And this is good in terms of keeping hapless users from bricking their phones.
Yes and no, True it has some parts of Linux However it lacks x interface, It lacks the ability to use java on it, It lacks the ability to install from source.
EDIT: For that matter it lacks the ability to run things compiled for even generic linux.
Yes, Android is by leaps and bounds the most-used mobile OS.
Agreed, But like I said before android is davilik vm that uses linux to run it.
You haven't been around long, huh?
We like debates around here--just keep them civil.
Two people liked your post, even though yours was purely opinion.
I simply cannot win as I make decisions off facts.
Excuse me, but 1992 called--they want their then-current common view of Linux back. This is the 21st century. Linux LONG ago became easy enough for anyone, even the most illiterate of computer illiterates to install and use. My recently departed mother is the best example I can think of. If *SHE* could dump window$ and seamlessly switch to Linux, ANYONE can.
True linux is usable, as I mentioned on my first post.
However the app compatibility is as bad as 1992.
EDIT: If wine counts as part of Linux, then usability becomes bad, And app compatibility only increases by a small margin. Wine is very difficult to setup for games.
While alternates are made for linux
such as open office vs ms office, Time has shown, people don't want to learn new programs.