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Root Windows 8.1 htc drivers?

Sorry man! Thanks for keeping us updated. The guide I posted works for Windows 8 so I figured there was a good chance it would work with 8.1 as well.

I wonder what the difference is?? I'll look around a bit and see if I can find anything else.
im trying different sources and the such as we speak, ill keep you updated and see (and hope) if anything works
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You've likely come across this but there are a couple of solutions in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43448719

Some people said they don't work but again, it's worth a shot. It's not looking too good for drivers for 8.1 yet... I'm sure with time it'll be available but is 8.1 still in beta?

ill check that out now, and yeah its only a developer preview, but overall i like it alot, muich faster than previoes builds of windows
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