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Wish I had Ice Cream Sandwich again!


I think Motorola/Google have a Jelly Bean problem with regards to the Razr. I'm seeing too many threads on here with nagging problems that appeared after the update to overlook the obvious conclusion that Jelly Bean for the Razr is flawed. I'm hoping that we'll get a tweak fix soon to address some of these. Has anyone heard anything?

Anyway, one of the biggest reasons I bought the Maxx was battery life and before JB it was phenomenal. I charge my phone every night but if circumstances kept me from doing it no problem. After JB I noticed that the battery was being consumed more rapidly but I didn't pay too much attention to it. Well, a few days ago I completely depleted the battery! Tried to make a call so I hit the power button to wake it up and nothing. It actually took me a moment to figure out it was dead. Stuck it in the dock and tried to turn it on but had to wait for it to charge a bit before I could. That's a first. Last few days I've been watching the battery stats and by the end of each day I'm sitting at 20-30% and Android OS is the biggest consumer by a long shot. In the past the display was sitting right there with the OS as the big power hogs. Not anymore. Only new app I've added since JB is an ING app to monitor my 401K and a flashlight app since my old one quit working after the update. I'm going to uninstall both but I doubt they're the culprits.

There are a couple other things that I've noticed personally, or have seen online, that make me think that we're going to get a tweak to correct some problems. Hopefully it will be soon.

If it makes you fell any better, I have the same battery problem since the JB update. I use to end the day with 60% battery left, now the day ends with 30% battery remaining. No new apps, no difference in usage. JB sure didn't help me on battery life.
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