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Wood workers (DIY types)


Android Enthusiast
Are there any DIY wood workers on here? By that I mean, those who make their own furniture, or things around the house?

I only have some basic hand tools, but have built a fountain out of a wooden keg, book shelf for my house (10 foot x 11 foot), a couple dog houses, and my next project is a new bed.

No pics of the fountain, or dog houses, but I have some of the book shelf that I cant seem to post.

Anywho, What all have you built?
Ikea/Target/Walmart furniture doesnt count!!! :p
You can ask my wife at my lack of woodworking around the house :) I do woodworking for a living and have since 1966. I am a trim carpenter and work exclusively in new homes. I've had the opportunity to do some very fine projects through the years. I am worthless around the house. I just don't get fired up to do stuff for myself. I do admire you for doing projects for yourself. It's quite rewarding and can be something of beauty and functionality for many years.
i used to help my father with all that in biuling houses so i do everything and anything. also anyof us that do a certain thing for a living are not going to be doing that around the house unless life or death situation, or of course unless the boss has the final say.
i made a bookshelf for my fiancees christmas last year, im not very good at these things and all i did was cut the wood to size, used metalic brackets and small wood screws.

Fits the space perfectly and seems fairly sturdy.lol
I designed and built a Thomas the Train play table for my kids. They wanted freaking $150 for a cheap plywood and paper-covered one. I built it out of select white pine, its built like a tank, and only cost $75. :)
i used to help my father with all that in biuling houses so i do everything and anything. also anyof us that do a certain thing for a living are not going to be doing that around the house unless life or death situation, or of course unless the boss has the final say.
I have helped build room additions, and once, when I was really motivated, me and a few friends built most of a house. I work construction for a living (site development/engineering/road construction) but love the DIY stuff.

i made a bookshelf for my fiancees christmas last year, im not very good at these things and all i did was cut the wood to size, used metalic brackets and small wood screws.

Fits the space perfectly and seems fairly sturdy.lol
Thats the best way to start! The next one you build, or other wood item you decide, you might find yourself getting more involved, and using different joints. :)
I designed and built a Thomas the Train play table for my kids. They wanted freaking $150 for a cheap plywood and paper-covered one. I built it out of select white pine, its built like a tank, and only cost $75. :)
See, thats kinda what motivated me to build my book shelf. All the ones I found were crap. So, Off to Home Depot, bought 385 bucks in White Pine, and misc. stuff I needed, and got to work on it. IIRC, I built it in 2 days, including finishing with some wood sealant.
This is my most recent project. Its a Paper organizer for craft paper, built for my MIL.

The book shelf had to be built in 2 peices, otherwise, I couldnt get it in the house. This is one peice being built:

AND, Being as my dogs had a penchant for eating my back scratchers, and I wasnt going to pay 5 bucks for another tastey POS made in China, I made a few of my own. They ate them, 'cept for the last remaining one :(

I've built a few carpeted cat toys, including 3 that I've sold for pretty decent profits. And I've done a little hand carving just for fun. Which reminds me, I have a nice piece of black ebony I'm in the middle of carving. I live in an apartment, so have to carve outside, and now that the weather is decent again, I should really finish it!
I've built a few carpeted cat toys, including 3 that I've sold for pretty decent profits. And I've done a little hand carving just for fun. Which reminds me, I have a nice piece of black ebony I'm in the middle of carving. I live in an apartment, so have to carve outside, and now that the weather is decent again, I should really finish it!
What is it you are carving it into? Do you have any pics so far?
What is it you are carving it into? Do you have any pics so far?

I don't have any pics here, but I'll try to remember to post something up when I get home. Carving it into an oval with a 90 degree twist that is sitting on a base, all one peice. Have the shape kind of roughed out, but the twist is making it pretty tricky! Been doing a lot of it with my Dremel tool, actually. The wood is just so dang hard that it's hard to carve by hand otherwise. Dulls the blades really fast, and because of the force needed to cut, it's not very safe either. Had it get away from me once and jammed the blade straight into the side of the knucle where the index finger attaches to the hand. Sharp blade, firm force, slip, pretty sure I bounced the blade off the bone, lol! I've done other carvings out of softer wood, though. Like an Easter Island Moai head, I was pretty happy with that one.

Just looking in Photobucket, here's a fewcat toys I've made:



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