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Help Worst phone before upgrading?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
So I saw in another post that someone had upgraded from some 1st gen touchscreen or 3g phone or something and they had thought that this was a big step. As a pc gamer Im pretty swift on technology but not in the cellular department. I upgraded to this phone from an ORIGINAL 1st Gen RAZR. Can anyone beat that? Haha I know Im a droid noob, sry :)
Yeah, I wonder what the next pimp droid is gonna be on Metro. I have seen the previews of the new dual core Lg optimus and its looks sweeeeeet. I would honestly probably shell out 400 for it if it works amazingly, and is easily rootable like this optimus M. I cant wait to have flash on Metro PCS.

Anyone know the next sweet droid for us?
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