Blinky it was your stupidity that started this personal crap. I don't run from bullies...online nor otherwise.
It was YOU who had a problem with his statement. I merely recounted it. Immaturity is your domain. Somebody spoke against your precious fanboy idol and you went berserk. I inferred NOTHING. I merely repeated what was reported. You jumped on that as if I slapped your mother. It's all here to review. You were deeply offended...most fanboys are when you say anything about Apple. You're no different. You're just more infantile than most and think that because you've said something, that I should run scared. Wrong. I stand behind what I said. No inference. Just repetition of what was said.
You have nothing to say to me that is of any import. So you can stop posting to me here AND IN PM... You don't warrant my attention. And I am not inclined to read your PM's, In fact, they have a wonderful thing called IGNORE that puts your PM's into the abyss where they can do some good, LOL. So...look kid...Take your wounds and go rant with someone who cares. I am not impressed with nor intimidated by you.
Isn't there something in your life...ANYTHING that you can put what's left of your brainpower to besides posting to me about nothing? Knowing you, you won't have the intelligence to move on...you'll keep responding as if your ranting means something. It doesn't...It never will. Don't waste your time. Mosey along now. And please...take your meds! You've exceeded the allotted time between doses and your insanity is showing.