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WP8 [ROM Preview]

Recently I've been thinking of a way to get the Windows 8 experience onto this phone & I've decided the best way to do it is by building a rom

*Bloat Ware removed as always

*Added APK Installer
*Added Epub Reader
*Added Flashlight
*Added Fresh Network
*Added Go Contacts EX
*Added Go Power Master
*Added Hackers Keyboard
*Added Virgin Mobile Minutes Checker
*Added No Lock
*Added Plugio
*Added SD Maid
*Added Smart Statusbar+
*Added Spareparts
*Added SpeakerBoost
*Added Windows 8 Lock Screen
*Added WP Notifications
*Replaced launcher with Launcher8
*Opera Mini as default browser
*Added Ad Away
*Added Adobe Reader
*Replaced music with Pixi Music Player (comes with EQ)
*GOSMS with Windows8 theme
*Modded Google Play StoreBlack one
*Replaced gallery with QuickPic
*Replaced Calculator with RealCalc
*Added Set Orientation
*Added Display Orientator
*Replaced MyFiles with ES File Manager
*Added Titanium Backup
*Added TaskbarW8
*Added WeatherBug
*Added Screen Off & Lock

There will be more info about this soon - Im in the process of building it so expect a release in the next 2wks (camping with family today so need that time)
I want it to feel like Windows 8 so Im doing all I can to make this perfect but I was wondering if I could get some help with TWO things... I wanna set a boot ani of the windows 8 boot screen and Id like to get the "Hello" screen to just b a black screen with the blue windows logo and "please wait..." beneath that in segoe UI light font if possible
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for the hello screen, u will have to make the image u want to use, use my png-to-rle tool to convert it to the correct format, and pack it into the boot.img. there r complete instructions within my png-to-rle tool to make it work for the venture. as far as the boot ani goes, good luck. my best bet would be to find a video of the win 8 boot ani, find a program that seperates video into pic files frame-by-frame, and create the boot ani that way. good luck!
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Check contents of /system/app. Make sure the name was exact, so there's only one file by that name. Make sure the file size matches the file that you placed there and does NOT match the one you don't want. Also check the modified date on the file.

Then go back and make sure that the file you tried to put there is in fact the new one....didn't accidentally use your own backup, didn't acquire one that someone else accidentally made the wrong one, etc.
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OK, it shant b long now Im just fine tuning it. gotta make sure there r no bugs or issues with programs. I still need to make the wp8 statusbar/notifications, I got the font that I needed, need to redo the bootani cuz the pic turned out abit 2big. Will put up screens of my current build l8r today
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