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WTB Pants that has pockets new phones will fit in.


This might just be me ranting here. But is anyone else just completely turned off by the size of all the new phones coming out? I walked into a verizon store yesterday just to look around and was in awe. I knew dimension sizes of a lot of the phones but my god it doesn't hit you until your holding the so called phone. If I wanted a tablet, I'd buy a fricken tablet.

My current phone is DINC1 and I think it is almost the right size. I would prefer a phone a little bit bigger and NOT HTC, I could go on another rant about this issue but I think I've said enough.:D Anyone have any phone ideas? My contract isnt up for another couple months so if someone has heard of a future phone thats building hype please share!
alot of these new phones feel much bigger in your hands then they do in pocket. i noticed my D1 and IP4, more than I do my razr, and nexus. The light weight and shape of alot of these new phones allows them to fit very comfortably. unless you wear skinny, at that point your SOL (kidding)
The line between phones and tablets (by looks) is becoming thinner and thinner. Eventually, someone won't be able to just look and say "that's a phone" which I think is ridiculous. I don't think huge phones have sold or will sell very well because of the people (that do like skinny jeans lol or by people) that don't like holding something as big as their face up to their ear to talk to someone, etc. :P
Lol, thank you thatonedudexp. You read my mind and found a way to explain it.

FYI. The jeans part was strictly a joke, I don't wear skinny jeans :P. On the subject though, any female would have no place to put their phone but in their purse. (inconvience)
Submit the idea to some pants manufacturers to make a special pocket for GNote owners. :)

I have a case on my Evo 3D and it fits in my pocket easily. And it was said to be one of the larger phones. So /shrug. I don't see the problem. Unless, of course, you have a GNote.
They've already designed gloves around touch screens, now pants? Where does the madness end!?!? Hats with wireless bluetooth headset built in :rolleyes:
The line between phones and tablets (by looks) is becoming thinner and thinner. Eventually, someone won't be able to just look and say "that's a phone" which I think is ridiculous. I don't think huge phones have sold or will sell very well because of the people (that do like skinny jeans lol or by people) that don't like holding something as big as their face up to their ear to talk to someone, etc. :P

Define large. Galaxy SII? Or Note type of large? Because if you're saying SII, then you're wrong because that's one of the best selling phones today.

Lol, thank you thatonedudexp. You read my mind and found a way to explain it.

FYI. The jeans part was strictly a joke, I don't wear skinny jeans :P. On the subject though, any female would have no place to put their phone but in their purse. (inconvience)

I know many females who even if they are using smaller phones like Wildfire, Ace, or even good old Nokia phones with alphanumeric keypads, they stull put them in purses, so I don't see size being an issue for them.
Smaller phones do exist and to be honest I'm quite pleased with bigger phones. I'm sure many people are! ;)

Also, I've seen women put books and so much stuff in their purse I don't think that's going to be an issue. :p
I wear men's pants, so none of my phones have never had an issue fitting inside the pocket.
I have the OG Evo with a case on it. The only time I have an issue with the phone being in my pocket is when I'm actually laboring or doing carpentry etc. It gets in the way a lot. Otherwise, I've gotten used to the size of the phone over time.

Or you could use one of these:

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I have the OG Evo with a case on it. The only time I have an issue with the phone being in my pocket is when I'm actually laboring or doing carpentry etc. It gets in the way a lot. Otherwise, I've gotten used to the size of the phone over time.

Or you could use one of these:


Where do I get one of those fancy things!?!?!?!?:eek:
Or you could use one of these:


Ah... the bum bag. I saw a few Mongolians wearing these during the last Naadam for a very good reason, traditional Mongolian garments do not have pockets. Hapless American tourists seem to like them as well.

ring ring... ring...

the 80s called .. and said to for you to keep out of their closet!

I suspect they where popular in the '80s because these things...

...I'm sure they didn't have pockets either.
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