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XDA is self imploding


Android Enthusiast
I don't know who of you frequent the XDA forum but there sure is allot of crap going on over there. As far as the Iconia there is hardly any Dev's there anymore.A big war on Devs accusing other Devs stealing there work. Big fights on the incredible forum between the mods and and some members. :(
Its is looking downright ugly over there.To bad Lots of good info on that forum usually.:confused:
I am sorry to hear that. I frequent the board as a lurker only. They have such an active group it is a shame to see this. I did see a couple threads where devs had pulled some work with accusations of stolen work. Posts also tend to devolve into flame wars quite easily too. I am trying to keep up withthis board and use others as a research platform.
It's not just XDA, I think ... way too often, devs and mods everywhere live for drama more than anything else. :/
It's not just XDA, I think ... way too often, devs and mods everywhere live for drama more than anything else. :/
Ive noticed that. You have to be very careful what you say over there.I just had a little battle with one rude Dude and it wasn't even about he just pissed me off how he was talking to others.
Well not to be a suck up but you are. I iwll have to show you a psot or two from a mod over there.
It is quite shocking...
Honestly, there are good eggs and bad eggs everywhere but here of course.

I, like most of you, use XDA for it's resources. But to communicate with others, I prefer AF. :)
This is in reference to A member DEV who requested to be a recognized DEV who is good at what he dose and was denied.There was a petition to get him the recognized Dev status and the problems started.

OK MODS, I want to hear that IRON FIST in full force, I would be more than happy to take a ban for the things i have posted on this thread, backing up a friend, as long as this chump gets banned for disrespecting my mother who as nothing to do with any of this..... lets see how that iron fist works against "devs"...

Well that's me told. I'm the guy who climbed off your mum to make this post. But that's Mister Guy Who Climbed Off Your Mum to you. However Mister Guy With Twice Your Thanks In Half The Number Of Posts will also do fine.

Blimey, you shrivel up quickly. It's perfectly fine for you to call the Moderators dicks but when you get a "your ma" joke tossed in your general direction it's "MODS MODS OMG MODS BAN PLZ HE SED HURTY WORDS".

I think everyone involved handled this wrong.The members should have gone through the proper channels to resolve this.But the Mods should have been more diplomatic in handling this instead of inciting a hostel environment. That is why I say this site has the feel of a safe place to ask questions and where you don't have to be made to feel stupid for asking.
And I thank all you Mods for a job well done in keeping order.
Honestly, there are good eggs and bad eggs everywhere but here of course.

I, like most of you, use XDA for it's resources. But to communicate with others, I prefer AF. :)

So True.
I read the XDA site Dev section to learn how to root my tablet for a month before I got the nerve to post.
Except the mods here... we're just plain awesome :p

Goes without saying. :p

In general, though, text bytes on Internet forums are just way too easy to misconstrue ... and way too easy to take way too seriously.

Unfortunately, many of the people who are the most unaware of that axiom are also the people who use Internet forums the most.
Honestly, there are good eggs and bad eggs everywhere but here of course.
This is so true, no matter what forum it is.

I firmly believe that it can't solely be a mod or admins responsibility to keep things running smoothly but also members. If one has an issue with staff, then pm them or their boss (admins) and outline your concerns. Doing so in a public forum does no one any good. the same applies with problem posts or members. Report it, adding to the post or attacking the member makes things worse. If we all do our part, things will run smoothly and that is for all forums.

There is one thing I've noticed in no matter what forum I work or participate in, people are rather quick to diss the staff over issues that they do not see or understand, and in xda's case the same thing applies. No one knows what happens behind the scenes both there or there. Staff discuss things and come to a conclusion. Maybe in their case they felt the dev was not suitable to be a dev any more, regardless, it's their decision and not really a concern of the members, otherwise the admins would have made an announcement about it.

The same can be said of lets say we ban a member here, or demote them from whatever status they may be in. You can pm the staff to inquire, but to make a thread asking for the reason or a petition would resort it its closure.

TS out
That's true. I have been on forums for many years and worked on a couple my self.
And I see so many things being handled wrong over there. The people who made a big deal over the Mods decision and didn't contact them with a PM and made a big issue on the form were total in the wrong. And also the one mod who just fanned the fire was wrong. Its so easy to get along if people just respect each other. The only reason I'm on the forums is to learn about something new I just bought and to pass on anything I can that may help someone.
Hey Splatoid, recognize you from XDA. I had one go around with two mods over there demanding, and taking respect, instead of earning it (to make a long story short).
I've been lurking here since late June, and it seems that there is more "mutual respect" here than XDA. I still lurk XDA to see if anything new is going on over there, but when DEVs leave a forum in mass exodus, it's a telling tale that something is seriously wrong!
Hey kjy2010
Yeah I haven't seen you over there much latley. Can't say as I blame you wht a mess.

Glad to see you here. Got to get back to work.
Hey Splatoid, recognize you from XDA. I had one go around with two mods over there demanding, and taking respect, instead of earning it (to make a long story short).
I've been lurking here since late June, and it seems that there is more "mutual respect" here than XDA. I still lurk XDA to see if anything new is going on over there, but when DEVs leave a forum in mass exodus, it's a telling tale that something is seriously wrong!

Hey are you still using stangs V8 build. I am and it is still pretty stable.
Once in a while it just powers off for no reason but not very often.
I'm heading to Hawaii next week so I'm not gonna tweak it or load any other ROMs till I get back.
I'm thinking on using either HonnyVillain or Minimalist but not sure about the Minimalist yet. Still looks a little Raw.
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