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Root XTR Sense Keyboard Issue


Android Enthusiast
Jun 26, 2010
Perhaps I'm dense. I'm rooted with xtrSense 5.0.1. I was trying out swiftkey and uninstalled it because it is slow..... After uninstalling swiftkey, the keyboard I HAD (stock with xtrSense) is gone and I have a new one. There is a popup menu that seems to have choices of xtrMod and Multitouch when swiftkey was installed, but for the life of me, I can't find that menu. Where the heck is it so I can get back to the keyboard that was on there?
Well, if you long-press in any place where you can type, it will give a menu, and there should be an option for "Input method", and you should be able to select any of your keyboard methods there.

If you are still not seeing the default keyboard, settings->language and keyboard, and from there check the keyboard methods that you want active. That said, the default keyboard (sorry, I cannot recall what HTC calls it) should be active by default.
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