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Help Youtube lag

Wifi only model, I didn't know you read those other forums lol, thought i'd get advice from multiple sources.


Heres the video I demoed, but yeah it seems to happen with any 720+ video in youtube. It's crazy.. tegra 2 games run perfectly smooth but not this!


edit: What youtube version do you have? 3.0.15
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ok first i looked at it from the web here.. no issues

i then looked at it thru the web browser and i saw buffering issues. im on wifi and the signal is fair in this section of where i am. howeevr the controls wernt delayed when i would tap on the screen.

i didnt try the link in the youtube dedicated app on the xoom but i can.

but i notcied buffering issues with the above link. this looks just like the buffering issues the evo users had on launch day. load times were slow in HD mode as well.

i took off HD mode and of coursee the video plaayed all the way thru. howwever i did not notice lag in the controls at all on screen...
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ok first i looked at it from the web here.. no issues

i then looked at it thru the web browser and i saw buffering issues. im on wifi and the signal is fair in this section of where i am. howeevr the controls wernt delayed when i would tap on the screen.

i didnt try the link in the youtube dedicated app on the xoom but i can.

but i notcied buffering issues with the above link. this looks just like the buffering issues the evo users had on launch day. load times were slow in HD mode as well.

i took off HD mode and of coursee the video plaayed all the way thru. howwever i did not notice lag in the controls at all on screen...

Weird, like I said it's every 720p+ video even after I let it fully load it will drop in framerate if I try to bring up controls. It's most noticeable in the dedicated app. Hmm..
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Yeah, I also encountered another problem today, my lucky day! I was at the beach and I cannot use the camcorder, it literally skips all the time... I'm assuming thats somehow related to the youtube skipping. Maybe I have a lemon and I need to exchange, I'll upload a video again.


It freezes twice, I took at least 6 videos and it stuttered in everyone. I also cannot use the beautiful weather live wallpaper which comes with the tablet because its extremely choppy. Do I just have a bad device? I'm assuming everyone else with the WIFI model does not have these problems, should I exchange it tomorrow?
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yeah, you have the wifi only version, which mean pandora, if you have an account for it, is not working for you either..

perhaps the wifi only model just has some QC issues and there could be bad batches out there. i wonder if going to the store you purchased your xoom from and asking them if they have had returns based on this type of behavior would yield any fruit? ive also not had any issues with the camera module on this device..

EDIT: is that video from your back yard? breathtaking... :)
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yeah, you have the wifi only version, which mean pandora, if you have an account for it, is not working for you either..

perhaps the wifi only model just has some QC issues and there could be bad batches out there. i wonder if going to the store you purchased your xoom from and asking them if they have had returns based on this type of behavior would yield any fruit? ive also not had any issues with the camera module on this device..

EDIT: is that video from your back yard? breathtaking... :)

across the street yeah(really windy and overcast today lol), I got mine from costco which comes with a 90 day return, I'll wait a week see if the people who get theirs this week encounter any of these problems before exchanging it. So you're saying pandora works on 3g but not wifi only? Weird.
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lets hope this newer version is better. although, would it be possible for you to exchange it at ANOTHER location? perhaps that location you purchased from originally have bad batches.

EXACTLY what im going to try to do today! I think I can return it to any costco, we'll see! Thanks for your help ;)
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