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Help youtube video problems


Nov 7, 2010
Samsung epic youtube videos , how come I can't watch simple video! Like a movie trailoer.every single video freezes.phone is all factory except I'm using go launcher.never rooted.please help I'm so tired of this. I'm running 2.2 froyo. The store updated firmware not me.but videos have always done this.and I'm just sick of it.any help would be greatly appriciated
the speed test says download 109 kbps upload 83kbps ping 936.
maybe its the 2.2 froyo then. im just tired of it and i was in a store yesterday and i wanted 2 watch a trailer 2 a movie before i bought it but it couldnt even stay playing without freezing.just sick of it. i guess its time 2 get another phone.i've had the epic since last oct. im still happy with it but i just want 2 be able to watch a youtube video if i need to.
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