Guns are OK, but you need to pick the right guns, and really be an excellent shot. A bullet to the head is the ONLY way to kill a zombie. Any other kind of a hit is just a wasted bullet. Remember, zombies are already dead, and thier internal organs do nothing, so shooting one in the heart, lungs and gut won't even slow him down. Plus, with guns, you need to carry ammo, which is heavy and takes up space that could otherwise be used for food. Single-shot hunting rifles are good for long range, and other than that, a .22 rimfire is very good, since the rounds are light and small (you can carry more), and the lighter projectile, in the event of a headshot, tends to bounce around inside the skull, causing just as much damage as a .45 would. Otherwise, hand weapons like crowbars and KA-Bar knives are ideal, especially since they can be used for more than one thing, thereby keeping your load lighter. And those running zombies are just Hollywood fiction, real zombies are slow, dumb, yet singleminded in their hunt for human flesh to feast on. Although why they eat human flesh is unknown, as, like I said earlier, their internal organs don't work, so the flesh isn't digested at all. Recently killed zombies have been disected and found to have a digestive tract full of undigested flesh. Why do they hunt us then? Science is still working on this question. Also, zombie have no senses or stregth/power that we do not have. The biggest thing they have going for them is that they feel no pain and don't get tired, so they will keep coming at you until they are dead.